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Cosmic Coincidences: Dark Matter, Mankind, and Anthropic Cosmology

di John Gribbin

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1343211,134 (3.23)Nessuno
What happened in the beginning, 15 billion years ago? Is the universe only one of its kind or are there others? Is it just a coincidence that life evolved on Earth? This book explores the chain of cosmic events that led to intelligent life on Earth. them, without concluding that at least 90% of the universe consists of so-called dark matter. The authors here aim to provide a readable account of the leading theories and latest advances in understanding the nature of dark matter, the controlling force in the dynamics structure and the eventual fate of the universe. Earth.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daJinxLirin, Darkstar51, Ransujay5, atarimega, verahg11, alo1224, zoey522, CMWSr.
Biblioteche di personaggi celebriTerence Kemp McKenna
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A hopeful title by two of best popular science writers in the field.Published recently by ReAnimus Press with the banner reading "breathing life into great books" it actually is a book published in 1988 without any updates (and no index).I do not doubt that it was a great book at the time but a lot of new facts have become available since, which makes the book severely outdated in certain respects as is illustrated by frequent reference to the Hubble Space Mission still to come at that time. Nevertheless it still is a good introduction to anthropic cosmology. Also the it is an excellent introduction to the mystery of what dark matter might be. The book is certainly not outdated on this point as nearly 30 years later this still is a mystery ( )
  peterveen | Sep 23, 2015 |
Indeholder "Indledning: Hvorfor er vi her?", "Første del: Kosmiske sammentræf", " 1. Hvor specielt er universet?", " Det antropiske univers", " Et univers med plads til liv", " Den største gåde", " Det flade univers", " Mørkt stof skal der til", " 2. Universets geografi", " Rødforskydninger, galakser og kvasarer", " Til universets kant", " Stoffet, der lyser", " En baggrund i glathed", " Sæbebobler?", " 3. To slags mørkt stof", " Hvor store er galakserne?", " Et skævt billede", " To slags stof", " Før galakserne", " Endnu et sammentræf?", " Langtidsprognosen", "Anden del: Stoffet i universet", " 4. Partiklernes menageri", " Hvor store er neutrinoerne?", " Noget mangler", " Axionen", " Supersymmetriske partnere", " Hvordan man får det bedste ud af en monopol", " Kvarkklumper", " Sorte huller i rigt mål", " Kan sorte huller eksplodere?", " Store Sorte Sambo", " 5. Halo-stof", " Dunkle dværge", " Sorte uhyrer", " Baryoner kan være kolde", " Om at gøre myg til elefant", " Flere svar end spørgsmål", " 6. Centralt stof", " Sorte huller, kort fortalt", " Kvasarforbindelsen", " Sorte huller som energikilder", " Bevisernes stilling", " I Mælkevejens hjerte", " Sorte hullers spisevaner", " 7. Kosmiske strenge", " En teori for alt?", " Ikke så tungt at skilles", " Frem fra skyggerne", " Strengeleg", " Sådan fanger man det tomme rum", " Om at lave galakser", " På jagt efter strenge", " 8. Tyngdens teleskoper", " Sådan laves bølgerne", " Sådan måles bølgerne", " Gravitationslinser", " Lysende buer", " Lys over det mørke stof", " Mørke galakser", " 9. Lyman-skoven - galaksers tilblivelse og udvikling", " Kvasarer og Lyman-alfa", " I skoven", " Belæring i stor skala", " Panden mod en galaksemur", " Ind i fortiden", "Tredje del: Et passende univers", " 10. Skrædersyet til mennesket?", " Flaskehalsen beryllium", " Hoyles antropiske vision", " Stjernernes trykkoger", " Supernova-forbindelsen", " Den kosmiske forbindelse", " Rum, tid og universet", " Et alternativt univers", " 11. Eller bare færdigsyet?", " Kvanterealiteterne", " Inflation i en nøddeskal", " Bobler på Tidens Flod", " Kosmiske drager", " Kosmologiens filosofi", " Fysikkens endeligt?", "Litteratur", "Register".

Udmærket bog om kosmologien anno 1991, men det er jo fx før LHC og Higgs bosonen ( )
  bnielsen | Jan 26, 2011 |
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What happened in the beginning, 15 billion years ago? Is the universe only one of its kind or are there others? Is it just a coincidence that life evolved on Earth? This book explores the chain of cosmic events that led to intelligent life on Earth. them, without concluding that at least 90% of the universe consists of so-called dark matter. The authors here aim to provide a readable account of the leading theories and latest advances in understanding the nature of dark matter, the controlling force in the dynamics structure and the eventual fate of the universe. Earth.

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