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Sherlock Holmes and the Miskatonic Monstrosities (2017)

di James Lovegrove

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
1747162,426 (3.88)2
It is the spring of 1895, and more than a decade of combating eldritch entities has cost Dr John Watson his beloved wife Mary, and nearly broken the health of Sherlock Holmes. Yet the companions do not hesitate when they are called to the infamous Bedlam lunatic asylum, where they find an inmate speaking in R'lyehian, the language of the Old Ones. Moreover, the man is horribly scarred and has no memory of who he is.The detectives discover that the inmate was once a scientist, a student of Miskatonic University, and one of two survivors of a doomed voyage down the Miskatonic River to capture the semi-mythical shoggoth. Yet how has he ended up in London, without his wits? And when the man is taken from Bedlam by forces beyond normal mortal comprehension, it becomes clear that there is far more to the case than one disturbed Bostonian. It is only by learning what truly happened on that fateful New England voyage that Holmes and Watson will uncover the truth, and learn who is behind the Miskatonic monstrosity...… (altro)
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I don't know what it was about this one, but it just kind of was...there. It felt better than the first one, perhaps because there was slightly less erasure of the Holmes canon than in the first one. But the entire concept felt far more far-fetched. And Holmes seems to be being written less and less like the classic Holmes.

Change the canon if you feel you must, but changing Holmes is not acceptable.

I'll likely finish off the third in this series, but I doubt I'll carry on with the five past that, unless he pulls a spectacular rabbit out of his hat. ( )
  TobinElliott | Jul 24, 2024 |
Did not finish at 60%

I'm not actually sure what it is about the books. The writing is fine--it's overdone in a way that feels 'Holmesy' with a Cthulhian creepiness throughout--but I just can't get it to stick. And then about halfway, suddenly we have a few chapters of a flashback from entirely another set of characters, which I actually enjoyed reading more. But that's not the book I started to read.

Overall, the first book was a fascinating idea done well enough, but I don't think it really supported the sequel. So it goes. Feel free to give it a try, perhaps you'll like it more than I did.
  jpv0 | Jul 21, 2021 |
"It was early one morning in the spring of 1895, and Sherlock Holmes and I were, as usual, running for our lives." ( )
  Jon_Hansen | Mar 15, 2021 |
I bought the 3 books, so I'm gonna read the 3 books, but I am now regretting buying them. While vol 1 was "ok", this one is totally empty of plot, and makes for a poor Holmes novel AND a poor mythos novel. The only redeeming part is the Crove journal near the end that, at least, makes for a somewhat more fitting mythos story.

Watson is also more of a dud than ever. I don't remember him being this stupid and slow in the orginal Holmes stories, but maybe he was.

The books also fails miserably trying to rewrite Holmes history. It feels forced.

The writing style is good, but the substance within is non-existent. ( )
  kinwolf | Jul 5, 2020 |
I didn't like the diary part, but otherthan that it was nice and fascinating to read. ( )
  cwebb | Apr 8, 2020 |
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It is the spring of 1895, and more than a decade of combating eldritch entities has cost Dr John Watson his beloved wife Mary, and nearly broken the health of Sherlock Holmes. Yet the companions do not hesitate when they are called to the infamous Bedlam lunatic asylum, where they find an inmate speaking in R'lyehian, the language of the Old Ones. Moreover, the man is horribly scarred and has no memory of who he is.The detectives discover that the inmate was once a scientist, a student of Miskatonic University, and one of two survivors of a doomed voyage down the Miskatonic River to capture the semi-mythical shoggoth. Yet how has he ended up in London, without his wits? And when the man is taken from Bedlam by forces beyond normal mortal comprehension, it becomes clear that there is far more to the case than one disturbed Bostonian. It is only by learning what truly happened on that fateful New England voyage that Holmes and Watson will uncover the truth, and learn who is behind the Miskatonic monstrosity...

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