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Radicals: Why Tomorrow Belongs to Post-Denominational Christians Infused With Supernatural Power

di Rev. Donna Howell

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Throughout time, when it seemed mankind was slipping irrevocably into ungodly decay from which the world might never recover, God did something unexpected and released a fresh wind of His presence that awoke a remnant of believers. These revivalists and prophets in turn often departed ecclesiastical and cultural norms to preach the everlasting Gospel with innovative flare. While in their days they were thought to be radicals, they nevertheless pushed back darkness with the Sword of the Spirit and liberated minds to comprehend their estate and need of Jesus (2 Cor. 10:5). The book you now hold argues effectively that we have entered such a time again and the evidence is reflected in familiar anti-establishment sentiments today--both religious and political. We are rapidly ripening for a spiritual awakening within the Church of Christ, and this book leaves no illusions about how that could suddenly unfold, unexpectedly giving rise to a new breed of post-denominational radicals infused with the supernatural power of God.RADICALS EXAMINES:*A refreshing analysis of the Epistle of James, written by Christ's half-brother who exposed the sins of the Early Church while illustrating the timeless liberating power of the Word*Modern trials facing the Body, the eerie similarities they hold to the trials of the Early Church, and why we are commanded to "count them all as joy"*The tests of the faith, and why we must get serious about overcoming them individually and corporately*How the Church still participates in favoritism of today's privileged class, and the role that plays in stunting the Great Commission*The "Rahabs" of today, why they may quickly be replacing our traditions, and why that's a positive thing*"Pop heresies" in our contemporary sermons and worship services, and the overhaul needed to return to true faith*The development of our current "Friendship with the World Church," and the steps required to separate from it… (altro)
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Throughout time, when it seemed mankind was slipping irrevocably into ungodly decay from which the world might never recover, God did something unexpected and released a fresh wind of His presence that awoke a remnant of believers. There revivalists and prophets in turn often departed ecclesiastical and cultural norms to preach the everlasting Gospel with innovative flare. While in their days they were thought to be radicals, they nevertheless pushed back darkness with the Sword of the Spirit and liberated minds to comprehend their estate and need of Jesus (2 Cor. 10:5). The book you now hold argues effectively that we have entered such a time again and the evidence is reflected in familiar anti-establishment sentiments today-both religious and political. We are rapidly ripening for a spiritual awakening within the Church of Christ, and this book leaves no illusions about how that could suddenly unfold, unexpectedly giving rise to a new breed of post-denominational radicals infused with the supernatural power of God.
  Fellowshipwc | Jun 22, 2018 |
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Throughout time, when it seemed mankind was slipping irrevocably into ungodly decay from which the world might never recover, God did something unexpected and released a fresh wind of His presence that awoke a remnant of believers. These revivalists and prophets in turn often departed ecclesiastical and cultural norms to preach the everlasting Gospel with innovative flare. While in their days they were thought to be radicals, they nevertheless pushed back darkness with the Sword of the Spirit and liberated minds to comprehend their estate and need of Jesus (2 Cor. 10:5). The book you now hold argues effectively that we have entered such a time again and the evidence is reflected in familiar anti-establishment sentiments today--both religious and political. We are rapidly ripening for a spiritual awakening within the Church of Christ, and this book leaves no illusions about how that could suddenly unfold, unexpectedly giving rise to a new breed of post-denominational radicals infused with the supernatural power of God.RADICALS EXAMINES:*A refreshing analysis of the Epistle of James, written by Christ's half-brother who exposed the sins of the Early Church while illustrating the timeless liberating power of the Word*Modern trials facing the Body, the eerie similarities they hold to the trials of the Early Church, and why we are commanded to "count them all as joy"*The tests of the faith, and why we must get serious about overcoming them individually and corporately*How the Church still participates in favoritism of today's privileged class, and the role that plays in stunting the Great Commission*The "Rahabs" of today, why they may quickly be replacing our traditions, and why that's a positive thing*"Pop heresies" in our contemporary sermons and worship services, and the overhaul needed to return to true faith*The development of our current "Friendship with the World Church," and the steps required to separate from it

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