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The Prague Sonata

di Bradford Morrow

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19414145,222 (3.8)18
In the early days of the new millennium, pages of a weathered original sonata manuscript--the gift of a Czech immigrant living out her final days in Queens--come into the hands of Meta Taverner, a young musicologist whose concert piano career was cut short by an injury. To Meta's eye, it appears to be an authentic eighteenth-century work; to her discerning ear, the music rendered there is hauntingly beautiful, clearly the undiscovered composition of a master. But there is no indication of who the composer might be. The gift comes with the request that Meta attempt to find the manuscript's true owner--a Prague friend the old woman has not heard from since the Second World War forced them apart--and to make the three-part sonata whole again. Leaving New York behind for the land of Dvořák and Kafka, Meta sets out on an unforgettable search to locate the remaining movements of the sonata and uncover a story that has influenced the course of many lives--even as it becomes clear that she isn't the only one after the music's secrets. Magisterially evoking decades of Prague's tragic and triumphant history, from the First World War through the soaring days of the Velvet Revolution, and moving from postwar London to the heartland of immigrant America, The Prague Sonata is both epic and intimate, evoking the ways in which individual notes of love and sacrifice become part of the celebratory symphony of life.… (altro)
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Historical fiction about a young woman’s search to recover the separated movements of a sonata. As a child living in Prague, Otylie inherits a musical score from her father, who was killed in WWI. She breaks the score into three parts to hide it from the Nazis during WWII. In 2000, an elderly woman entrusts one of the parts to Meta, a musicologist and former concert pianist. Meta feels compelled to put her current life on hold to pursue the missing pieces. Her search takes her to the city of Prague, where she meets a variety of colorful characters, some of whom prove helpful, while others attempt to sabotage her efforts.

The writing is beautifully descriptive, especially the details about life in Prague. The storyline encompasses many timeless themes, such as family relationships, friendship, the far-reaching impacts of war, love, sacrifice, betrayal, idealism vs. pragmatism, and music as a source of inspiration and motivation. The story spans multiple time lines, including WWI, WWII, 1989, and 2000, and tends to jump backward and forward frequently. It is extremely detailed in places and includes musical jargon that may not be familiar to all readers. The upside of this use of musically descriptive language is the author’s ability to present an almost audible quality to the work. In addition to being an entertaining reading experience, I thought the author skillfully conveyed a message about the importance of preserving art and music for the enjoyment of future generations.

Recommended to classical music lovers and those interested in Czech history or culture. I requested and received an advance copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for a candid review. It is scheduled to be released on 10/3/17.
( )
  Castlelass | Oct 30, 2022 |
Enjoyed this novel very much. I don’t know anything about classical music and found it interesting how music is authenticated. The sonata follows an exciting journey from war torn Prague, present day Prague , to Prague Nebraska. I was hooked by the mystery, historical detail and the rich characters. As an aside, I have been to Prague and I think my favorite part of this novel was when Meta explores this beautiful and unique city. ( )
  Smits | Mar 5, 2022 |
Engaging story that weaves WWII Prague and current (2000's) to find the missing pages of a sonata manuscript. Part of the sonata lands in the main character's hands and she has to track down the owners of the other two parts and possibly find the original owner.

The book flows and moves the reader along. There's some cloak and dagger that I found unnecessary and thought it detracted from the story. Other than that I enjoyed this novel. ( )
  3CatMom | Dec 28, 2020 |
The Prague Sonata, Bradford Morrow, author; Christina Delaine, narrator
The novel piqued my interest because it was about a lost music manuscript from the time of the Holocaust. I read everything I can about that time, fiction and non-fiction.
Although the book may be a very good print read, as an audio, I found it lacking. The narrator over emotes and takes over the narrative with a slow and over emotional presentation, in a sexy voice that is totally inappropriate for something meant to be scholarly.
The author’s writing tends to the poetic and feels overdone with description and dialogue that seems extraneous and unnecessary much of the time. Had I not known the author was male, because of the flowery language, I would have thought it was stereotypical of a female author. On the positive side, there seemed to be a great deal of research devoted to this book, and that is very obviously commendable. Still, the information gets lost in the presentation by this narrator who reads facts as if they were written by Keats or a classical poet.
After listening to about half of the book, I realized that I was dreading it, each time I returned to it. Perhaps I will try the hard copy, because this was definitely a turn off. Water would boil faster than the tempo of the reading. The investigation into the manuscript seemed to promise more than was delivered. ( )
  thewanderingjew | Sep 18, 2020 |
With World War II raging, Otylie splits a sonata into three parts, hoping to keep the treasured score from the hands of the Nazi's. In present day, Meta Taverner, a musicologist, is handed 1/3 of the manuscript and tasked with finding the other two pieces. Her journey leads her to Prague, where she meticulously searches house to house for information on Otylie.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. Meta was an interesting and well developed character. I did find Whittman to be a poor villain, he could have been developed in a much more fluid way, leaving Meta with real challenges and obstacles. I did find the constant switching of people and timelines to be distracting. It would have been nice if the past timeline was done in a chronological manner. 4 out of 5 stars. ( )
  JanaRose1 | Apr 3, 2018 |
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In the early days of the new millennium, pages of a weathered original sonata manuscript--the gift of a Czech immigrant living out her final days in Queens--come into the hands of Meta Taverner, a young musicologist whose concert piano career was cut short by an injury. To Meta's eye, it appears to be an authentic eighteenth-century work; to her discerning ear, the music rendered there is hauntingly beautiful, clearly the undiscovered composition of a master. But there is no indication of who the composer might be. The gift comes with the request that Meta attempt to find the manuscript's true owner--a Prague friend the old woman has not heard from since the Second World War forced them apart--and to make the three-part sonata whole again. Leaving New York behind for the land of Dvořák and Kafka, Meta sets out on an unforgettable search to locate the remaining movements of the sonata and uncover a story that has influenced the course of many lives--even as it becomes clear that she isn't the only one after the music's secrets. Magisterially evoking decades of Prague's tragic and triumphant history, from the First World War through the soaring days of the Velvet Revolution, and moving from postwar London to the heartland of immigrant America, The Prague Sonata is both epic and intimate, evoking the ways in which individual notes of love and sacrifice become part of the celebratory symphony of life.

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