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The Kid Who Climbed the Tarzan Tree (2013)

di D. W. Rozelle

Altri autori: C.A. Grooms (Illustratore)

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"It's 1944. A little boy and his sister find themselves the wards of strangers in a cavernous children's home. Their mother assures them that their stay will be but a few months. Nearly six years later what they thought was to be a "stay" ends with their placement in a foster home. While this sounds like a chapter written by Charles Dickens in one of his darker moods, it isn't. Looking back after a half century, that "little boy," D.W. Rozelle, remembers his years at "the Home" as the best years of his tumultuous boyhood. Over 25 drawings by distinguished artist C.A. Grooms lend Rozelle's flashbacks a startling visual impact"--Publisher's website.… (altro)
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A brief book which is a nice memorial to the orphanage in which the author grew up in Racine, WI. Given his dysfunctional parents, it was actually quite a relief and a blessing to live in a place where he could have fun and be a child. I was not sure whether to catalog this for Young Adults or Adults, as it would be appreciated by both, but have decided on the younger as it is a good counteraction to the typical "orphanages are evil" books. The few mentions of his mentally ill mother's behavior fits in with the current trend of "real life" stories, making the reader feel they are not alone with their own dysfunctional family situation.
The book starts with a description of the demolition of the building, after it's 100 years.
This was published by a small local press so probably won't get much distribution--I encourage you to seek it out. ( )
  juniperSun | Mar 5, 2020 |
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D. W. Rozelleautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Grooms, C.A.Illustratoreautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.
--Albert Einstein
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Alice Ann (Rozelle) Hough 1939-2010
For my late sister, Alice Ann, who suffered more, forgave the most, and gave to her own children a parent's love she herself had never known.
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Dedicated with ceremony in 1872, demolished with none in 1972, Taylor Orphan Asylum disappeared without a trace of historical reverence or regret.
Preface: On July 6, 1944, at ages six and five respectively, David and Alice rozelle were placed at Taylor Children's Home in Racine, Wisconsin.
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"It's 1944. A little boy and his sister find themselves the wards of strangers in a cavernous children's home. Their mother assures them that their stay will be but a few months. Nearly six years later what they thought was to be a "stay" ends with their placement in a foster home. While this sounds like a chapter written by Charles Dickens in one of his darker moods, it isn't. Looking back after a half century, that "little boy," D.W. Rozelle, remembers his years at "the Home" as the best years of his tumultuous boyhood. Over 25 drawings by distinguished artist C.A. Grooms lend Rozelle's flashbacks a startling visual impact"--Publisher's website.

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