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The Seven

di Peter Newman

Serie: Vagrant (3)

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973288,988 (3.81)2
'An exciting new writer - sharp, compelling and original' Mark Lawrence Years have passed since the Vagrant journeyed to the Shining City, Vesper in arm and Gamma's sword in hand. Since then the world has changed. Vesper, following the footsteps of her father, journeyed to the breach and closed the tear between worlds, protecting the last of humanity, but also trapping the infernal horde and all those that fell to its corruptions: willing or otherwise. In this new age it is Vesper who leads the charge towards unity and peace, with seemingly nothing standing between the world and a bright new future. That is until eyes open. And The Seven awaken.… (altro)
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The first book in the trilogy was good, the second better, the third the best. Also, book 1 was fantasy, book 2 science-fantasy, book 3 full (mostly military) scifi, with a natural evolution that did not feel out of place.
Well written, with very good characters (mainly the infernals and half-breeds, unfortunately the Seven were annoying and lacked depth), plenty of twists, plots and betrayals, a lot of war and battles, a very good and balanced view of how the Holocaust might have felt like from both sides, some good messages of tolerance, some good humor, a lot of bizarre imagination (in the good sense, as being highly original).
Why not 5/5 then? Most of the book did feel extraordinary, but there are some (large) parts that drag on, and the ending (the last 70-80 pages) is overlong, boring and really unnecessary stretched. ( )
  milosdumbraci | May 5, 2023 |
I don't usually run across fantasy that stands out this much, but when I do, I really feel the need to shout it from the rooftops.

This one wraps up one of the most fascinating and epically glorious trilogies I've ever read. This is by far one of the most ambitious and fun demon-sword tales ever, especially since goats are involved and the swords are rooted in a deeply fantastic world-building setting that's as much hard-SF as it is epic demon hoards and battles.

It even has spacecraft and high tech battles right alongside immortal demons and flesh-crafting seen on a scale I've generally never seen done this big anywhere.

But if you think this isn't praise enough, all by itself, then know that the characters are hella cool and they more that carry the entire tale in such a way that we could easily do away with all the epic battles and it would still be a really fascinating and funny and deep ride.

High praise? Well, it deserves all that and more.

I have pretty high standards when it comes to epic fantasy. There's a lot of average epic stuff out there. This one is anything but average.

And as for the author, I have no qualms about following him to the ends of the earth, no matter what he writes next. He has real chops. :) ( )
  bradleyhorner | Jun 1, 2020 |
Finally done with this series. Unfortunately, I finished it more out of obligation than anything else. While the premise was interesting, I just didn't connect or feel anything for any of the characters with the exception of Harm maybe. Even the Seven themselves were a disappointment.

Maybe one day I'll read it instead of listening to the audio book, and maybe I'll get more out of it that way, but for now, I'm glad to be moving on. ( )
  jrg1316 | Jun 20, 2019 |
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Alpha of The Seven stands in an alcove,encased in a rock that is eggshell thin.
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'An exciting new writer - sharp, compelling and original' Mark Lawrence Years have passed since the Vagrant journeyed to the Shining City, Vesper in arm and Gamma's sword in hand. Since then the world has changed. Vesper, following the footsteps of her father, journeyed to the breach and closed the tear between worlds, protecting the last of humanity, but also trapping the infernal horde and all those that fell to its corruptions: willing or otherwise. In this new age it is Vesper who leads the charge towards unity and peace, with seemingly nothing standing between the world and a bright new future. That is until eyes open. And The Seven awaken.

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