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Golden & Grey: The Nightmares That Ghosts Have

di Louise Arnold

Serie: Golden & Grey (book 2)

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661412,530 (3.75)2
In addition to continuing their work to stop school bullies, eleven-year-old Tom Golden and Grey Arthur--along with several spectral friends--try to discover why ghosts across England are vanishing.
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Tom Golden's life gets a little more complicated when his friend starts operating a school for invisible friends in their home. That would be bad enough, except that ghosts are disappearing, and we think they're being stolen, and it's really not good.

This one is a little more serious than the first - among other things, the bad guy is better integrated into the story. (And let me tell you, he is scary. Not scary in and of himself - as they tell Tom before going for the major confrontation, he can't REALLY hurt humans - but scary in how he thinks and acts. That little speech he gives Tom? Chills and shivers.)

I will say that one thing doesn't add up - and this is a SPOILER, so be aware! We know by the end of the book how to defeat the villain, and it's something simple. All (or at least many) of the ghosts in England are holed up at Tom's house for safety and companionship... of course, if the Collector finds them, it's REALLY all over. And this is a BIG target for him if he should find out about them!

Instead of sending Tom and a small crew of ghosts out to get the Collector, why not arm all the ghosts with their secret weapon and lure him over to Tom's house? Wouldn't that have been more efficient and a lot safer for the ghosts? Why not at least TELL them how to deal with this guy so that they wouldn't be so scared in the meantime?

Well, obviously that solution would've lacked a certain panache, and for storytelling reasons this one makes more sense, but the characters don't know that!

That's my only big issue with the book, and it's not that big, so... yeah. I recommend this for any child old enough to not be too freaked out by how horrible Tom's school is. ( )
  conuly | Sep 30, 2010 |
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Golden & Grey (book 2)
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In addition to continuing their work to stop school bullies, eleven-year-old Tom Golden and Grey Arthur--along with several spectral friends--try to discover why ghosts across England are vanishing.

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