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The Best of Edward Abbey (1984)

di Edward Abbey

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2512110,585 (4.04)2
Fiction. Literature. HTML:

A mix of fiction and essays by the author described as "the Thoreau of the American West" (Larry McMurtry, The Washington Post).

Edward Abbey himself compiled this volume representing some of his greatest work—including selections from such novels as The Monkey Wrench Gang, The Brave Cowboy, and Black Sun, as well as a number of expressive and acerbic essays.

Renowned for inspiring modern environmentalists—though his interests ranged as widely as the landscapes he loved—Abbey offers an entertaining introduction to his writing, including excerpts from the autobiographical Desert Solitaire, in addition to his own sketches illustrating the text throughout.

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This edition has the The Author's Preface to His Own Book. Edward Abbey selected his favorites. Of interest to me: Edward Abbey used to visit Jerome, Arizona.
  MarieTea | Apr 28, 2012 |
As with many "best of" anthologies where the choices were made by the author, I felt that these did not, in fact, represent the best of Abbey. Some of the pieces, in fact, I thought were actually at the other end of the spectrum for Abbey. All in all, a bit spotty of an anthology. ( )
  Devil_llama | Apr 11, 2011 |
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Fiction. Literature. HTML:

A mix of fiction and essays by the author described as "the Thoreau of the American West" (Larry McMurtry, The Washington Post).

Edward Abbey himself compiled this volume representing some of his greatest work—including selections from such novels as The Monkey Wrench Gang, The Brave Cowboy, and Black Sun, as well as a number of expressive and acerbic essays.

Renowned for inspiring modern environmentalists—though his interests ranged as widely as the landscapes he loved—Abbey offers an entertaining introduction to his writing, including excerpts from the autobiographical Desert Solitaire, in addition to his own sketches illustrating the text throughout.


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