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di Mindy Hayes

Serie: Faylinn (3)

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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. BOOK THREEHeartbroken and a prisoner in her own castle, it is time for Calliope to take matters into her own hands. Mere days remain until she is bound to Sakari and the Waking Oak is destroyed. It seems hopeless, but Calliope is determined to fight.Loyal to the core, Sakari has always respected and followed his father's direction, but Adair is pushing boundaries Sakari isn't sure he wants to cross. Yet remaining loyal to his kingdom may hurt the ones he loves the most.Kai has a plan to save Faylinn. It's risky and will require a sacrifice that may cost him his life, but if he doesn't try, Calliope will be lost to him forever.War in Faylinn is fast approaching. Hearts will be broken. Sacrifices will be made. Lives will be lost. Only the strongest will be left standing.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daBrittanyElsen
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Luminary is the end to something completely magical to me for a lot of reasons. It was a completely beautiful ending to one of the best fairy series out there. Kaleidoscope was also the first indie book that I ever read. I stumbled upon Mindy’s blog in late May of 2013 while researching Vlogs. I watched her Vlog and thought I want to read her writing. Just to my luck she was giving away a copy of Kaleidoscope. I read it in ONE car ride on the way to see my newborn nephew. Mindy does fairies the right away, there are a lot out books out there that don’t.

Luminary made me cry, hate Mindy Hayes, and then smile. Kai is still his stubborn but completely lovable self and Calliope is still wonderful and completely selfless queen. There are a lot of things going on in this last book and it it will definitely keep you reading well into the night. It is so much easier to picture the setting and be passionate about the characters because of Mindy’s writing. Luminary was the best book in this series but I will always crave more from the Faylinn world.
I am going to warn all the readers with soft hearts, there are a lot of deaths in this book! I was forewarned by Mindy so I was able to process the deaths a little easier but it was still hard. She made me fall in love with characters that I started out hating. Now that is darn good character development.

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  BrittanyElsen | Sep 24, 2014 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. BOOK THREEHeartbroken and a prisoner in her own castle, it is time for Calliope to take matters into her own hands. Mere days remain until she is bound to Sakari and the Waking Oak is destroyed. It seems hopeless, but Calliope is determined to fight.Loyal to the core, Sakari has always respected and followed his father's direction, but Adair is pushing boundaries Sakari isn't sure he wants to cross. Yet remaining loyal to his kingdom may hurt the ones he loves the most.Kai has a plan to save Faylinn. It's risky and will require a sacrifice that may cost him his life, but if he doesn't try, Calliope will be lost to him forever.War in Faylinn is fast approaching. Hearts will be broken. Sacrifices will be made. Lives will be lost. Only the strongest will be left standing.

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