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The Cases of Susan Dare (1934)

di Mignon G. Eberhart

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541493,961 (3.28)9
Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

A mystery author finds her knowledge of murder put to practical use

Inside the lovely head of Susan Dare, grisly murder lurks. A mystery author who makes her living providing tidy solutions to imaginary crimes, Dare is enjoying a much-needed vacation when the mood at her host's house turns sour. Ugly secrets lurk in the Frame family's past, and jealousy stirs beneath the surface of their tranquil country estate. Dare makes plans to leave before her hosts turn on each other, but she is too late. On the morning of her departure, a gunshot echoes through the fog. Only a beautiful author with a head full of murder mysteries can pinpoint the killer.

In this handful of elegant, classic stories, Mignon Eberhart's amateur detective proves her worth time and time again. Decades before Murder, She Wrote, Eberhart realized that those who write mysteries can solve them too.

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I am not a great fan of Eberhart --my impression is that she tends to tell of vulnerable women in sinister circumstances --but I prefer mystery short stories and these were good enough to make the Queen's Quorum list
of the 125 best volumes of mystery short stories --a list I once set myself to read. These stories concern a woman mystery writer who becomes involved in solving real crimes in company with a "resourceful young reporter" as the Penguin blurb calls him.. ( )
  antiquary | Dec 22, 2014 |
The cases of Susan Dare tend to go something like this: Susan Dare finds herself somewhere she doesn't want to be and she feels tense and unhappy; the atmosphere is heavy, the house/theatre/ apartment is imposing. She feels uncomfortable in the company of the people she is with, most of whom she has never met before, many of whom she would avoid if she could, and she notes that at least some of her companions do not particularly like each other. Before the story advances more than a few pages someone will be shot with a revolver which cannot be found afterwards. Continued

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Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

A mystery author finds her knowledge of murder put to practical use

Inside the lovely head of Susan Dare, grisly murder lurks. A mystery author who makes her living providing tidy solutions to imaginary crimes, Dare is enjoying a much-needed vacation when the mood at her host's house turns sour. Ugly secrets lurk in the Frame family's past, and jealousy stirs beneath the surface of their tranquil country estate. Dare makes plans to leave before her hosts turn on each other, but she is too late. On the morning of her departure, a gunshot echoes through the fog. Only a beautiful author with a head full of murder mysteries can pinpoint the killer.

In this handful of elegant, classic stories, Mignon Eberhart's amateur detective proves her worth time and time again. Decades before Murder, She Wrote, Eberhart realized that those who write mysteries can solve them too.


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