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Acts: A Handbook on the Greek Text (Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament)

di Martin M. Culy, Martin M. Culy

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1021275,573 (4)1
In  Acts 15?28: A Handbook on the Greek Text, Martin Culy, Mikeal Parsons, and Josiah Hall provide a foundational examination of the Greek text of Acts. The analysis is distinguished by the detailed yet comprehensive attention paid to the text. The authors? exposition is a convenient pedagogical and reference tool that explains the form and syntax of the biblical text, offers guidance for deciding between competing semantic analyses, engages important text-critical debates, and addresses questions relating to the Greek text that are frequently overlooked or ignored by standard commentaries. Beyond serving as a succinct and accessible analytic key,  Acts also reflects the most up-to-date advances in scholarship on Greek grammar and linguistics. This handbook proves itself an indispensable tool for anyone committed to a deep reading of the biblical text. This revised and expanded handbook on the Greek text of Acts, unlike its predecessor, includes comments on the grammar and syntax of every word in the text and incorporates insights from the  Editio Critica Maior, now the standard critical Greek text for the Acts of the Apostles.… (altro)
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This book is NOT a commentary. It is a guide to the Greek grammar. Most words are parsed, and there are discussions on things that might be unclear.

If you have never had any Greek it will be worthless to you. If you read Greek easily you don't need most of it. If, like me, you are somewhere in between you will find it very valuable in figuring out what is going on. ( )
  MarthaJeanne | Dec 14, 2010 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Martin M. Culyautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Culy, Martin M.autore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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DDC/MDS Canonico
LCC canonico

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In  Acts 15?28: A Handbook on the Greek Text, Martin Culy, Mikeal Parsons, and Josiah Hall provide a foundational examination of the Greek text of Acts. The analysis is distinguished by the detailed yet comprehensive attention paid to the text. The authors? exposition is a convenient pedagogical and reference tool that explains the form and syntax of the biblical text, offers guidance for deciding between competing semantic analyses, engages important text-critical debates, and addresses questions relating to the Greek text that are frequently overlooked or ignored by standard commentaries. Beyond serving as a succinct and accessible analytic key,  Acts also reflects the most up-to-date advances in scholarship on Greek grammar and linguistics. This handbook proves itself an indispensable tool for anyone committed to a deep reading of the biblical text. This revised and expanded handbook on the Greek text of Acts, unlike its predecessor, includes comments on the grammar and syntax of every word in the text and incorporates insights from the  Editio Critica Maior, now the standard critical Greek text for the Acts of the Apostles.

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