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Dreyfus: A Family Affair, 1789-1945

di Michael Burns

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1402202,096 (3.83)6
In the first book designed to introduce students to the broad outlines and significant legacies of the affair, the author deftly interweaves text with documents, tracing the course of events. He highlights the many issues connected with the case, including anti-Semitism, militant nationalism, socialism, the birth of modern Zionism, the separation of church and state, and the emergence of the "intellectual" in the political arena. --from publisher description.… (altro)
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A very good review of the Dreyfus affair, and good history of the third French republic.
  David-Block | Feb 11, 2021 |
2450 Dreyfus: A Family Affair 1789-1945, by Michael Burns (read 6 Jun 1992) This is an absorbing and well-written book. It begins with Alfred Dreyfus' great-grandfather and carries the family account through 1945 and beyond. It is of course very pro-Dreyfus and gives no good word to any Dreyfus opponent. But I really got carried away and I savored the sympathetic portrayal and rejoiced in Alfred's vindication. The book goes on to trace events through both World Wars and has a handy family tree in the front to enable one to keep track of all in the family. This has been a fascinating and most appreciated book. ( )
  Schmerguls | May 2, 2008 |
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In the first book designed to introduce students to the broad outlines and significant legacies of the affair, the author deftly interweaves text with documents, tracing the course of events. He highlights the many issues connected with the case, including anti-Semitism, militant nationalism, socialism, the birth of modern Zionism, the separation of church and state, and the emergence of the "intellectual" in the political arena. --from publisher description.

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