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New York by Knight

di Esther M. Friesner

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Serie: New York by Knight (1)

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1723164,369 (3.09)2
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A knight rides into New York City. NYC is only the latest place in a fearsome dragon's destructive rampage across worlds. While the knight tries to regain the armor and weapons he lost, the dragon builds his strength, taking over first one person's mind, then another. Eventually, the dragon controls St. Patrick's Cathedral and half the city.
A wide cast of characters, each as poorly written as the last, comes together to defeat the dragon and free the knight from his dreadful burden. The plot was mediocre, the characterization laughable, and the dialog simply pitiable. Don't bother. ( )
  wealhtheowwylfing | Feb 29, 2016 |
New York is in peril. It's overrun with rats! A cesspoll of communicable diseases! A haven for violent criminals! Oh yeah, and in this book there is a DRAGON!

Right. You see, the dragon is an ineffably evil creature of manificently malign disposition, who travels from world to world destroying everything in its path for no good reason other than it's own unsatiable hunger for death and destruction (and shiny treasure.) It is pursued by a chivalrous knight of course, who is fated to slay the dragon and make the world all bright and happy...and whatnot. Now they meet on Earth, in New York, where they will battle in epic dragon vs. knight combat! You can't see it, but I'm stifling a yawn right about now...

I hate every character in this book. Every one of them is either stupid or angry and most are both. I don't know, maybe this is the author's sick idea of character development. Let's make all the characters have the mental capacity and temper tantrum capabality of a 2-year-old. Then when they develop the mental prowess of normal humans we'll call it character progression. Yeah? I don't know. They all seem compulsively idiotic in the beginning and I found them all completely obnoxious, regardless of the author's intentions.

New York by Knight is not good. Maybe in the 80's dragons and knights fighting in an urban environment was unique enough to sell a book by itself, and since imbecilic morons seemed to be so popular in 80's media culture perhaps the characters would have been likable 30 years ago. Whatever the case, the book doesn't hold up well if you ask me. I'm very glad it's over. ( )
1 vota Ape | May 5, 2012 |
Not her best work. Very few sympathetic characters and it kind of drags. ( )
1 vota nicole47 | Sep 25, 2009 |
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Esther M. Friesnerautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Taylor, GeoffImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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