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Anzac Ted

di Belinda Landsberry

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481547,778 (4.25)Nessuno
Anzac Ted is the powerful, poignant story of a little boy's teddy bear that was passed down to him from his grandfather. Battered, torn, missing an eye and an ear, he might look scary but he's got a great story to tell. For Anzac Ted went to war, keeping soldiers company and giving them comfort. And while he never won a medal, and now doesn't even attract a single vote at classroom Toy Shows, if only everyone looked a little deeper: 'They'd see a hero, plain as day Who sits upon my bed. A hero, who saved me and you. His name Anzac Ted.' While several children's picture books cover the world wars, none has ever made the conflict so accessible to children by telling the story of a bear who went to war. Belinda's exquisite watercolour illustrations combine with her rhyming text to create a book that, while perfect for parents and teachers to share with children, is also guaranteed to touch the heart of every adult.… (altro)
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A charming read. This is a real heart warming picture book. About a treasured teddy bear, thats been with one family for three generations. This teddy bear made it through a war and became masoct for the squad that he was in.

This tale also shows us not to judge a person or any object by what they look like. ( )
  DaffiMere | Jun 1, 2016 |
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Anzac Ted is the powerful, poignant story of a little boy's teddy bear that was passed down to him from his grandfather. Battered, torn, missing an eye and an ear, he might look scary but he's got a great story to tell. For Anzac Ted went to war, keeping soldiers company and giving them comfort. And while he never won a medal, and now doesn't even attract a single vote at classroom Toy Shows, if only everyone looked a little deeper: 'They'd see a hero, plain as day Who sits upon my bed. A hero, who saved me and you. His name Anzac Ted.' While several children's picture books cover the world wars, none has ever made the conflict so accessible to children by telling the story of a bear who went to war. Belinda's exquisite watercolour illustrations combine with her rhyming text to create a book that, while perfect for parents and teachers to share with children, is also guaranteed to touch the heart of every adult.

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3 1
4.5 2
5 1

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