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Without A Heartbeat (Hasea Chronicles)

di Stuart Meczes

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I read The Awakening first and liked it a lot so I thought I would read the rest of the books in the series. I got them all on my Kindle Unlimited. After reading them all, I was then asked to review "Without A Heartbeat". I said sure I would review it but that I already had read it since I liked the whole series and I already got it free with my Kindle Unlimited so they didn't have to provide anything. #haseachronicles

Obviously, I loved this book. At first I wasn't sure that there would be much of a story to focus around Scarlett but I was very wrong. This story is soooo good. I don't want to give the whole story away but I can say that Scarlet has to go work at Oakley Manor as a scullery maid to help the family out financially. Her brother is sick and his medicine is expensive. She would never tell her father no because she knows how hard it was for him to ask her.

Unspeakable things happen to Scarlett while in Oakley Manor. Someone is watching her and knows that he needs to save her before something awful happens. He returns later to find that he is too late and Scarlett will never be the same. He is determined he will save her and give her the means to get her revenge. But is he good or evil?

This book grabs you and pulls you in so that you just have to see what happens next. Poor Scarlett, what she has to endure both at Oakley Manor and after the is "rescued" from there is just so heartbreaking. She becomes the very evil that she is trying to avoid. But is she to be held accountable? Could she help it? Or is she the victim in all of this? Read the book and you will never be bored. You will be on the edge of your seat waiting to see what happens to Scarlett next.

I loved this book and the whole series in fact. Definitely worth reading! You can definitely read it as a stand alone but why would you, get the series, it is just worth reading!

Disclaimer: Well I was offered this book for free to give a honest review but I already had gotten the book free from Kindle Unlimited and read it before the fact. In any case, I didn't receive any compensation for this review. It is just my honest opinion of the book. ( )
  tsmith61008 | Apr 18, 2016 |
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