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The Defence (2015)

di Steve Cavanagh

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Eddie Flynn (1)

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5091949,741 (3.91)14
Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

"If you're a fan of John Grisham, Scott Turow, and Brad Meltzer, then you will be a fan of Steve Cavanagh's The Defense." Nelson DeMille, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Radiant Angel

/> Eddie Flynn used to be a con artist. Then he became a lawyer. Turns out the two aren't that different.

In The Defense, former con artist turned lawyer Eddie Flynn gave up the law a year ago after a disastrous case, and he vowed never to step foot in a courtroom again. But now he doesn't have a choice. The head of the Russian mob in New York City, on trial for murder, has kidnapped Eddie's ten-year-old daughter: Eddie has to take this case whether he likes it or not.
Using his razor-sharp wit and every con, bluff, grift, and trick in the book, Eddie has only forty-eight hours to defend an impossible murder trial. And if he loses this case, he loses everything.

.… (altro)
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» Vedi le 14 citazioni

Ich hatte mir von diesem Buch mehr versprochen, da die Kritiken sehr verheißungsvoll waren. Leider bin ich enttäuscht worden.
Die Story ist unrealistisch und den Figuren fehlt es an Tiefe.
Ich werde die Reihe hiermit beenden. ( )
  likos77 | Feb 11, 2024 |
(3.5/5 - for the book ; 5/5 for the audio narration)

When con man–turned-lawyer, Eddie Flynn, finds himself strapped to a bomb and forced to represent Russian mob boss Olek Volchek boss in a murder case, he has to rely on his instincts, reverting to tricks of the trade of the old life he has left behind and his friends (past and present) and former allies to help him save his ten-year-old daughter who is being held hostage by the mafia and ensure that justice is served. Narrated from the PoV of Eddie Flynn in the first person as the events take place in the present day, we are also given plenty of insight into Eddie’s past life, how he became a lawyer and a recent case that significantly impacted both his professional and personal life.

While it might not get points for originality ( the stereotypical Mafia boss and his cronies, in-fighting and gang wars and the overused “Do-as-I-say–or-your-family-dies” trope), Steve Cavanagh’s The Defense is an engaging action-packed legal thriller with interesting characters, well-scripted courtroom drama, a good dose of humor thrown in for good measure, consistent pacing and enough tension to keep you hooked till the end. Though (as with most novels in this genre) there are OTT moments, The Defense by Steve Cavanagh is an entertaining read and a promising beginning to the Eddie Flynn series.

Extra points for the audiobook! I don’t think I would have enjoyed this one as much as I did if I had just read the book. I paired my reading with the fabulous audio narration by Adam Sims who made the story and the characters come alive! Despite the tropes and the farfetchedness, overall I enjoyed this action-packed thriller and liked the main character. I’ve been told that the series gets better as it progresses and I look forward to exploring more from this author! ( )
  srms.reads | Sep 4, 2023 |
This is the 1st book in the Eddie Flynn series. The first couple of chapters hooked me right in & the book was a roller coaster ride. Eddie slips between con man/lawyer effortlessly & the con with the Russian mob was detailed & exciting. I can't wait to read the next one ( )
  LaneyLegz | Jul 29, 2023 |
3.5* This is the first in the series of Eddie Flynn books. Eddie a former con and lawyer gets caught up with the Russian Mob when they kidnap his daughter and place a bomb on him. They want him to defend the Russian mobster charged with murder in exchange for getting his daughter back. This was a very readable, fast paced book and I particularly liked the trial scenes. I gave it 3.5* because some of it for me was highly implausible. I will continue with the series. ( )
  LisaBergin | Apr 12, 2023 |
Wow! I've had this on my list for a while, but was hesitant to start another new series while I have so many unfinished. But I had it on my phone, and decided to read it, and I'm glad I did. It grabbed me right away, and the next thing I knew, I couldn't stop. I liked most of the characters, especiall Eddie Flynn, a former con man who learned from his father. He's smart, good at what he does, and doesn't give up.

Unfortunately, he seems to be stuck with a lousy wife, but perhaps he deserved it. Still, he practically died rescuing their daughter, who was taken through no blame on his part, I thought, and she still blames him. Perhaps I'll learn more in later books and forgive her.

Thanks to Matt Pechey for calling this one to my attention a while back. ( )
  MartyFried | Oct 9, 2022 |
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Steve Cavanaghautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Sims, AdamNarratoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

"If you're a fan of John Grisham, Scott Turow, and Brad Meltzer, then you will be a fan of Steve Cavanagh's The Defense." Nelson DeMille, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Radiant Angel

Eddie Flynn used to be a con artist. Then he became a lawyer. Turns out the two aren't that different.

In The Defense, former con artist turned lawyer Eddie Flynn gave up the law a year ago after a disastrous case, and he vowed never to step foot in a courtroom again. But now he doesn't have a choice. The head of the Russian mob in New York City, on trial for murder, has kidnapped Eddie's ten-year-old daughter: Eddie has to take this case whether he likes it or not.
Using his razor-sharp wit and every con, bluff, grift, and trick in the book, Eddie has only forty-eight hours to defend an impossible murder trial. And if he loses this case, he loses everything.


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