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A Dream of Home (Hearts of the Lancaster Grand Hotel)

di Amy Clipston

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When she moves to Amish country to find peace and healing, Madeleine finds a special community--and a special man--who pull her out of her solitude and into a new life. Moving to Pennsylvania wasn't in Madeleine's original plans. She should still be in California and should have married her pilot fiancé a year ago--but death has a way of changing everything. Now the former Air Force flight nurse is living alone in Paradise, Pennsylvania, and working as a maid at the Lancaster Grand Hotel. She isn't exactly a widow . . . but she sure feels like one. Saul Beiler isn't exactly a widower . . . but his wife is long gone. His eleven-year-old daughter, Emma, doesn't know that her mother fled the Amish community--and married another man--but she does know that her dat is lonely, and that a pretty young maedel just moved in next door. Madeleine's numb heart begins to thaw as she spends more time with the innocent and ever optimistic Emma. The stronger her friendship grows with the young girl, the more intrigued Madeleine grows about the humble, strong man raising her on his own. But even as a strange attraction pulls Saul and Madeleine across a stark cultural divide, they--and everybody around them--have to wonder: What could they possibly have in common besides heartache? Will love allow Madeleine to finally find the home she's been dreaming of all along?… (altro)
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Another interesting story in this series. Madeleine moved to Pennsylvania, to the house she inherited from her Amish grandparents. There she enjoys the solitude and way of life among the Amish. Her neighbor is widower, Saul Beiler, who has a young daughter, Emma. Emma befriends Madeleine, even though her father wants her to stay away from the Englisher. Eventually though Maddy and Saul will become friends and by the end of the book, someone will sacrifice their way of life for love. ( )
  judyg54 | Dec 12, 2021 |
After the death of her fiancé, Maddie returns to her Amish grandmother’s community. Though not raised Amish because her own mother left that community before Maddie was born, she feels like she has found a balm for her wounded soul and has come home. This third book of the series continues with some of the characters from the previous books, and centers on Saul and his young daughter Emma, who develop a friendship of sorts with Maddie. But they are Amish and she is English, and that complicates their friendship. This plot is intriguing, as these characters, who have all suffered from being left and abandoned in some form, try to find solace with the help of God and their community. Be warned! This book ends on a cliffhanger, and you will enjoy the series more if you start at the very beginning. (Do you hear that? The hills are alive with the sound of music . . . ) ( )
  Maydacat | Jun 28, 2020 |
This is an outstanding series! I feel as if I really know these people, that I've spent my life among them. A great read. I wish this series could go on forever! ( )
  wearylibrarian | Dec 3, 2017 |
I have to admit that I fell madly in love with Emma in A Mother’s Secret and I was nearly heart-broken when things did not go the way she planned…

So of course, I was excited to see her return in A Dream of Home.

I have never been a combat nurse but there are a few things in my past that occasionally come back to haunt me so I feel a sort of kinship with Madeline Miller.

It also helps that Amy Clipston writes her nightmares so well that you truly fee like you’re right there, experiencing it with her.

I did not feel a kinship to Saul Beiler. Actually, when I was reading book 2: A Mother’s Secret, he nearly knocked Barbie off the pedestal of most disliked characters. He was just so rude and abrupt and… well, annoying.

I NEVER could have imagined that Saul would be remotely interested in a REAL relationship. I was sure he was just one of those controlling and angry men who hide behind their religious convictions.

BOY was I wrong!

I love that Amy Clipston occasionally throws you a crazy curve ball! It keeps her books interesting in a way that not many authors think of.

And I am NOT giving anything away about the story!

You’ll just have to read it for yourself! Trust me when I say that it is WORTH a read!

And keep watching! Amy has ANOTHER book coming in this series. It’s slotted to release next year.

And I’m sure A Simple Prayer will be just as fantastic as the first three in the series!

Happy Reading!

I received this book free in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  JCMorrows | Aug 25, 2015 |
A Dream of Home by Amy Clipston is a lovely and heartwarming Amish romance. It is the third book in the Hearts of Lancaster Grand Hotel series. Madeleine Miller has gotten out of the Air Force where she was a flight nurse. She has also lost her fiancé and needs some peace (time to heal). She has moved to Paradise, Pennsylvania where she has inherited her grandparent’s home. Madeleine used to spend summers with her grandparents in Paradise when she was a child. Madeleine is working at the Lancaster Grand Hotel (she is not able to work as a nurse at this time) and makes friends with Carolyn, Ruth, and Linda. Madeleine gets to know the people in Paradise, enjoy their friendship and fellowship, and a more peaceful life style.

Saul Beiler lives behind Madeleine, is a widower, and has a daughter named Emma (very sweet girl). Saul’s wife left him and Emma for her first love and then she died in a boating accident. Saul is finally ready to move on and find a new wife as well as mother for his daughter. Saul is busy with farm work, his business (cabinetmaker) and taking care of his daughter.

Madeleine and Emma get to know each other and enjoy spending time together. Emma is such a sweet girl. Emma is friendly and outgoing as well as eager for female companionship (not having had a mother most of her life). Saul and Madeleine also get to know each other, but since Madeleine is not Amish their relationship can only be as neighbors. Saul is afraid of letting Madeleine get to close. He thinks that Madeleine will leave like his brother and wife.

Madeleine will have to decide what she wants to do with her life and Saul will have to overcome his fears. We also get to catch up with the other residents of Paradise. It is also time for Carolyn and Joshua’s wedding! Will we finally find out who is Ben’s biological father?

A Dream of Home is great addition to the Hearts of Lancaster series. It is well written and a delight to read. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. I am looking forward to the next book in the series A Simple Prayer. Happy Reading!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  Kris_Anderson | Feb 15, 2015 |
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When she moves to Amish country to find peace and healing, Madeleine finds a special community--and a special man--who pull her out of her solitude and into a new life. Moving to Pennsylvania wasn't in Madeleine's original plans. She should still be in California and should have married her pilot fiancé a year ago--but death has a way of changing everything. Now the former Air Force flight nurse is living alone in Paradise, Pennsylvania, and working as a maid at the Lancaster Grand Hotel. She isn't exactly a widow . . . but she sure feels like one. Saul Beiler isn't exactly a widower . . . but his wife is long gone. His eleven-year-old daughter, Emma, doesn't know that her mother fled the Amish community--and married another man--but she does know that her dat is lonely, and that a pretty young maedel just moved in next door. Madeleine's numb heart begins to thaw as she spends more time with the innocent and ever optimistic Emma. The stronger her friendship grows with the young girl, the more intrigued Madeleine grows about the humble, strong man raising her on his own. But even as a strange attraction pulls Saul and Madeleine across a stark cultural divide, they--and everybody around them--have to wonder: What could they possibly have in common besides heartache? Will love allow Madeleine to finally find the home she's been dreaming of all along?

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