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Editor Miska Tomlinson finds her new neighbor Dillan Foster different from every other man in her life, including the married baseball player Mark and her absentee father, but when a scandal she's involved in is about to become nationwide news, could Dillan still be interested in her?
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This was a beautiful story of love and redemption in the face of sin and evil. Ms. Bradley made every effort to keep Miska's story realistic and true to today's society and moral standards. The reader is not shielded from the sinfulness of man, nor is there left any question as to the reconciliation God has provided to free us from that evil grip. I applaud Ms. Bradley's courage in taking the reality of modern day sin into the realm of Christian fiction and pointing the way to those who may be struggling with similar issues. Well developed characters, page turning plot lines and a deep spiritual message make this a must read for all those who enjoy women's fiction. ( )
  ksucindy | Nov 16, 2015 |
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Editor Miska Tomlinson finds her new neighbor Dillan Foster different from every other man in her life, including the married baseball player Mark and her absentee father, but when a scandal she's involved in is about to become nationwide news, could Dillan still be interested in her?

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