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The Third Target

di Joel C. Rosenberg

Serie: J.B. Collins (1)

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4451658,276 (4.06)3
"When New York Times foreign correspondent J.B. Collins hears rumors that an al-Qaeda splinter cell--ISIS--has captured a cache of chemical weapons inside Syria, Collins knows this is a story he must pursue at all costs. Does the commander of the jihadist faction really have the weapons? If so, who is the intended target? The U.S.? Israel? Or someone else? With tensions already high, the impending visit of the American president to the region could prove to be the spark that sets off an explosion of horrendous proportions"… (altro)
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» Vedi le 3 citazioni

It is fine. Lot of politics - Middle Eastern politics - and a lot of hither-and-thither by the main character, but not very much “action”. Not much in the way of suspense or thriller components… but … anyway, it was fine.

I already owned the second book in this series but did not bother to even start reading it. Zero interest in this subject matter. ( )
  crazybatcow | Aug 19, 2024 |
  WBCLIB | Jun 27, 2023 |
Just can't put it down. So awesome! ( )
  xKayx | Dec 14, 2020 |
Matt looked through the windshield, thinking. Okay, that's a horrifying scenario, I grant you that, "he said. "But is that really possible? I mean Jordan's got a great military. They 've got American weapons. The king used to be the commander of the special forces here. Do you really think it's possible ISIS could take over this country?"
"Did you think Mubarak would fall in Egypt? Ghaddafi in Libya?..., the king is next." ( )
  Hany.Abdelmalek | Sep 16, 2020 |
Matt looked through the windshield, thinking. Okay, that's a horrifying scenario, I grant you that, "he said. "But is that really possible? I mean Jordan's got a great military. They 've got American weapons. The king used to be the commander of the special forces here. Do you really think it's possible ISIS could take over this country?"
"Did you think Mubarak would fall in Egypt? Ghaddafi in Libya?..., the king is next." ( )
  Hany.Abdelmalek | Sep 16, 2020 |
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I had never met a king before.
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Wikipedia in inglese (1)

"When New York Times foreign correspondent J.B. Collins hears rumors that an al-Qaeda splinter cell--ISIS--has captured a cache of chemical weapons inside Syria, Collins knows this is a story he must pursue at all costs. Does the commander of the jihadist faction really have the weapons? If so, who is the intended target? The U.S.? Israel? Or someone else? With tensions already high, the impending visit of the American president to the region could prove to be the spark that sets off an explosion of horrendous proportions"

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4.5 1
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