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The New Indian Slow Cooker: Recipes for Curries, Dals, Chutneys, Masalas, Biryani, and More

di Neela Paniz

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883316,728 (3.77)1
Discover how to create authentic Indian recipes in just a few simple steps. Paniz rethinks traditional recipes for the slow cooker, showcasing the best regional curries and accompaniments. These full-flavor, no-fuss dishes are perfect for busy cooks any day of the week.
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I love Indian food especially curry. I adapted one of the recipes a bit for butter chicken and it was delicious. I would never have thought that you could cook a curry in a slow cooker but yes you can! Next I will try a jhalfreze my personal favorite. ( )
  Veronica.Sparrow | Jan 28, 2016 |
The New Indian Slow Cooker was not what I expected in a slow cooker cook book. When I think of slow cooker recipes, it’s something that I can throw together quickly in the morning, let cook all day while I’m out and about and it’s ready for my family to eat at dinner time. The recipes in this cook book do involve a slow cooker but there is a lot of preparation required beforehand and then the food is just in the slow cooker for a short time – I’d say the average was around 3 hours. I think the slow cooker is mainly used as substitute for a simmering pot that you’d have to keep an eye one, not for simplicity.

In the beginning, Paniz spends some time explaining how to set up an Indian kitchen including explaining what each spice is and why it’s used. It’s very informative and handy. At the beginning of each recipe she give some tidbits about the recipe – it’s origin, how and what it is served with, why her family enjoys it or something else of that nature. That knowledge will make me feel more comfortable ordering something other than my usual the next time I eat at an Indian restaurant. Also, after reading the actual recipes I will know more about what’s in the various dishes on the menu.

Although this book does offer some great information about Indian cuisine, it’s not for a busy person on the go. I would recommend The New Indian Slow Cooker cookbook to experienced home cooks – weekend gourmets who love spending time in the kitchen. ( )
  mcelhra | Mar 6, 2015 |
Add an extra burner to your kitchen

Despite its title at least 25% of the book is a regular Indian cookbook presenting ordinary Indian recipes cooked in ordinary ways. The remaining 75% is suggestions for simmering curries and other dishes in a slow cooker instead of on the stove top. If you are like me and tend to make many different dishes when preparing an Indian meal, adding another heat source to the ones on your stove is good, but for the experienced cook, simmering on the stove and simmering in the slow cooker are very similar. The book does not present anything revolutionary.

I received a review copy of The New Indian Slow Cooker: Recipes for Curries, Dals, Chutneys, Masalas, Biryani, and More by Neela Paniz (Ten Speed Press) through ( )
  Dokfintong | Sep 8, 2014 |
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Discover how to create authentic Indian recipes in just a few simple steps. Paniz rethinks traditional recipes for the slow cooker, showcasing the best regional curries and accompaniments. These full-flavor, no-fuss dishes are perfect for busy cooks any day of the week.

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