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di Rachael Craw

Serie: Spark (1)

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Evie doesn't have a choice. One day she's an ordinary seventeen-year-old, grieving for her mother. The next she's a Shield, the result of a decades-old experiment gone wrong, bound by DNA to defend her best friend from an unknown killer. The threat could come at home, at school, anywhere. All Evie knows is that it will be a fight to the death. And then there's Jamie. Irresistible. Off-limits.… (altro)
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Mostra 5 di 5
7.5/10, I was honestly surprised at this amazing and original novel and I didn't know what to expect considering that I never read from this author, it even almost got a negative review when I was beginning to get sick and tired of this but it managed to redeem itself in the end, where do I even begin. It starts off with the main character Evie whose surname I forgot and she lives her normal life as usual like every single other book out there until something was off with her setting up future events. She first notices she's a bit taller. Then a bit faster. Her bust grew, well you get the idea. Suddenly Evie is taken away but some random character who breaks the news to her that she was part of some genetic experiment gone wrong which I think revolved around creating some sort of new super soldier army thing but for some reason this didn't go according to plan but how, I don't really know even though it's integral to the plot, maybe it could be explained in the next two books in the series. Speaking of, I doubt my library would get them considering that this book is 9 years old now. There was romance between the characters however I felt that was kind of shoehorned in and not really necessary, I did like the epic fight scenes and the way the book got more action packed towards the latter half ending this on a high note. ( )
  Law_Books600 | Nov 3, 2023 |
DNF Page 102

I was not invested and was bored and also was confused at what was going on. ( )
  crazynerd | Mar 30, 2022 |
'Darkly territorial,’ is one of my favourite phrases in this debut YA novel by Rachael Craw, which, on the face of it, explores genetic mutations and their potential for exploitation, but at its heart, is about bonds between people. The action carries you along and the characters are well drawn, especially Evangeline. I am not usually a sci-fi fan but was fascinated by the effects of the mutations. I look forward to the next in the series (and another fabulous cover, too!) All in all, it hit the sweet spot. A cracking read. ( )
  Elizabeth_Foster | Dec 24, 2019 |
A fun little light-sci-fi YA thriller. Sometimes a little heavy on the jargon terms (and it makes no sense that there would be a whole lotta "banned words" that would come up in regular conversation) and associated fancy powers/concepts, but the world hung together pretty well, and the conflicts felt real and necessary. I enjoyed it. ( )
  cupiscent | Aug 3, 2019 |
I won this book from a give-away and absolutely loved it!! It was one of those books which made you completely tune out of what's happening around you because you are so captivated by the plot. Would highly recommend this to anyone interested!! It kept me up a few late nights because I kept wanting to know what was going to happen and the end of each chapter kept wanting to read more and more! Would have liked a bit more science, but that is just personal preference as a science nerd :) ( )
  Rachel_Sanders | Jan 4, 2016 |
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Spark (1)
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Evie doesn't have a choice. One day she's an ordinary seventeen-year-old, grieving for her mother. The next she's a Shield, the result of a decades-old experiment gone wrong, bound by DNA to defend her best friend from an unknown killer. The threat could come at home, at school, anywhere. All Evie knows is that it will be a fight to the death. And then there's Jamie. Irresistible. Off-limits.

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Media: (3.67)
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3 4
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5 4

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