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Rocket Raccoon, Vol. 2 #1

di Skottie Young

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2011,129,493 (3.4)Nessuno
Rocket Raccoon has been a hero to the weak, a champion of good, a heartthrob to many intergalactic females ...but his high-flying life of adventure may be a thing of the past when he's framed for murder - and the authorities aren't the only one on his tail! The real killer is an imposter who seems to be one step ahead of Rocket at every turn, it's up to our hero and his best pal Groot to find the truth. With Macho Gomez and the Ex-Terminators tracking him, can Rocket make it out alive and clear his name?… (altro)
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Got this in my Loot Crate this summer (with a Loot Crate variant cover) and really liked it, though I would have been less interested if I didn't enjoy GotG so much. Nice beginning and I definitely want to read the whole series, but I'll be waiting until the trade comes out. ( )
  brittaniethekid | Jul 7, 2022 |
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Rocket Raccoon has been a hero to the weak, a champion of good, a heartthrob to many intergalactic females ...but his high-flying life of adventure may be a thing of the past when he's framed for murder - and the authorities aren't the only one on his tail! The real killer is an imposter who seems to be one step ahead of Rocket at every turn, it's up to our hero and his best pal Groot to find the truth. With Macho Gomez and the Ex-Terminators tracking him, can Rocket make it out alive and clear his name?

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