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I vampiri dello spazio (1976)

di Colin Wilson

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451557,400 (3.23)14
Circa 2100 A scourge of sex and death from an alien spaceship WHEN CAPTAIN CARLSEN ENTERED THE VAST DERELICT SPACESHIP, he was shaken by the discovery of its immobilized humanoid passengers. Later, after three of the strange aliens had been transported to Earth, his foreboding was more than justifi ed. The creatures were energy vampires whose seductive embraces were fatal, whose lust for vitality was boundless. As they took over the willing bodies of their victims and sexual murders spread terror throughout the land, Carlsen worked toward their destruction-even while he was erotically drawn to the most beautiful vampire of all!  "Thoroughly intriguing" -Chicago Sun-Times (1976) "New slant on horror...unique rendering of the age-old enigma of the kiss of death" -Chicago Tribune (1976) COLIN WILSON is the author of more than 100 fiction and nonfiction books.The Outsider (1956), published at the age of 24, earned him worldwide critical acclaim.The Space Vampires, his fi fty-fi rst book, was translated into Spanish, Japanese, French, Dutch and Swedish and was later adapted for screen in the movie LIFEFORCE, directed by Tobe Hooper (SALEM'S LOT, POLTERGEIST, THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE). The movie failed however to capture the true spirit of the cult classic reprinted here by popular demand.… (altro)
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Read this as a teenager. Had a naked woman on the cover! What's not to like? ( )
  PhilOnTheHill | Sep 8, 2019 |
Some time in the not too distant future, astronauts discover a derelict spacecraft and bring three of its dormant occupants back to Earth. Unfortunately, they turn out to be some kind of energy vampires. This premise is fine, but what follows is around 200 pages of bullshit philosophy and pseudoscience rather than a story. I was somewhat aware that Wilson actually believed in this stuff but I didn't expect it to hijack the story so much. This definitely isn't a science fiction novel, and is barely a horror story--more a weak vehicle for "new age" mumbo-jumbo. ( )
  chaosfox | Feb 22, 2019 |
oh man, written in the 70's, this was pure crap! The whole story is centered around Freudianism, masochim/sadism and some mumbojumbo about lifeforce". Why anyone would consider this entertaining is beyond me!" ( )
  BookstoogeLT | Dec 10, 2016 |
blah, totally stupid human scientists. very seldom do i give a blah, at least i finished it. ( )
  vegaheim | Mar 24, 2008 |
vampires in space.

*note to self. Copy from A.
  velvetink | Mar 31, 2013 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Colin Wilsonautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Cerea, DorisTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Moll, CharlesImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato

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The Space Vampires was made into a movie called Lifeforce
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Wikipedia in inglese (2)

Circa 2100 A scourge of sex and death from an alien spaceship WHEN CAPTAIN CARLSEN ENTERED THE VAST DERELICT SPACESHIP, he was shaken by the discovery of its immobilized humanoid passengers. Later, after three of the strange aliens had been transported to Earth, his foreboding was more than justifi ed. The creatures were energy vampires whose seductive embraces were fatal, whose lust for vitality was boundless. As they took over the willing bodies of their victims and sexual murders spread terror throughout the land, Carlsen worked toward their destruction-even while he was erotically drawn to the most beautiful vampire of all!  "Thoroughly intriguing" -Chicago Sun-Times (1976) "New slant on horror...unique rendering of the age-old enigma of the kiss of death" -Chicago Tribune (1976) COLIN WILSON is the author of more than 100 fiction and nonfiction books.The Outsider (1956), published at the age of 24, earned him worldwide critical acclaim.The Space Vampires, his fi fty-fi rst book, was translated into Spanish, Japanese, French, Dutch and Swedish and was later adapted for screen in the movie LIFEFORCE, directed by Tobe Hooper (SALEM'S LOT, POLTERGEIST, THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE). The movie failed however to capture the true spirit of the cult classic reprinted here by popular demand.

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Autore di una vasta "Enciclopedia del crimine" e studioso del soprannaturale e dell'occulto, Colin Wilson non poteva mancare prima o poi all'appuntamento con la fantascienza. Ma se l'inizio è tradizionale, se il primo personaggio a entrare in scena è un'astronave immensa e deserta, una cattedrale volante trovata in orbita nella fascia asteroidale, ben presto la storia prende una piega sinistra, ricca di morbose e agghiaccianti sfumature. Cadaveri che si ridestano, vittime che si gettano affascinate in braccio alla morte, orribili sostituzioni di persona, efferati delitti, e una caccia sempre più affannosa alla creatura (ma è soltanto una?) che uccide e distrugge senza pietà per tutta l'Inghilterra. La soluzione sarà insieme spaziale e vampiristica, combinerà felicemente le emozioni classiche della fantascienza con i sudori glaciali della fantasy.
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