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A Hundred Hours of Night (2014)

di Anna Woltz

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

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1047270,524 (3.44)3
When Emilia de Wit ran away to New York City, she planned everything to a T. Plane ticket, purchased. Cute apartment, rented online. Subway map, printed and highlighted. This was no ordinary trip -- this was Emilia's declaration of independence. Her chance to escape the life her parents were ruining. To get away from the horrible scandal that had rocked Amsterdam, the scandal that was all her dad's fault. To see if her mom, the glamorous, world-famous artist, would even notice. New York steals Emilia's heart at first sight -- even though absolutely nothing goes to plan. She didn't plan to end up homeless on a stranger's doorstep. She didn't plan to make friends with Seth, Abby, and Jim. And she could never have known that Hurricane Sandy would be barreling up the coast, straight for the city. All she wanted was to get away from her parents, her problems, her life . . . and when the storm hits and the power goes out, Emilia feels farther from home than she could have imagined.… (altro)
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» Vedi le 3 citazioni

Emilia (14) vliegt stiekem naar New York. Als zij daar aankomt, blijkt er een orkaan onderweg te zijn. Emilia sluit vriendschap met drie kinderen en samen proberen zij de orkaan te overleven ( )
  huizenga | Oct 4, 2022 |
Door Otte:

Het boek las vlot doordat het soms spannend was.
positief: Doordat het in de ik-vorm is geschreven, zat ik helemaal on het boek.
negatief: Er was een open einde.

Besluit: Lezen!!! Ook aanbevolen door 'De wereld draait door'. ( )
  literair_adolescent | Apr 29, 2020 |
Spannend boek waarin je wordt meegsleurd. Ik vond het alleen vervelend dat de hoofdstukken vrij kort waren. ( )
  Stefanie_Dumay | Oct 26, 2017 |
Literary Merit: Good
Characterization: Great
Recommended: Recommend
Level: High School

Emilia December de Wit is from the Netherlands, is an extreme germaphobe and is on the run! After her father becomes embroiled in scandal back home she runs away to escape the media attention thrust on her and she travels to New York City by herself. After a huge mishap with where she is supposed to stay she quickly realizes she is alone, broke and homeless in a huge city. She ends up making friends with model-level handsome Jim, Seth Greenberg and his little sister Abby (who allow her to stay in their apartment while their mom is out of town). While Emilia works out what to do next she and her new friends get caught in the madness that is Hurricane Sandy, which is now bearing down on NYC. They all become closer throughout the ordeal as they bond over their shared experiences. Can Emilia forgiver her father and come to terms with her life back home? While the plot is quite improbable it was still a fun, quick read that is perfect for teens. The characters are all well developed and quirky making this an interesting read while introducing teens to the complexities of growing up and understanding that adults especially parents are not perfect! ( )
  SWONroyal | Mar 18, 2017 |
Ook dit boek was weer een goed boek van Anna Woltz. Een mooie verhaallijn en de personages trokken mij erg aan. Ik wilde maar door blijven lezen en had hem hierdoor ook in een paar dagen uit. Jammer genoeg voor mijn gevoel weer een open einde. Ik zou nog graag willen weten of Emilia in New York kan gaan wonen met haar ouders of toch echt in Nederland moet blijven wonen. Verder heel goed boek. ( )
  Ralphvdholst | Oct 1, 2015 |
nessuna recensione | aggiungi una recensione

» Aggiungi altri autori

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Anna Woltzautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Kluitmann, AndreaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Watkinson, LauraTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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Wikipedia in inglese


When Emilia de Wit ran away to New York City, she planned everything to a T. Plane ticket, purchased. Cute apartment, rented online. Subway map, printed and highlighted. This was no ordinary trip -- this was Emilia's declaration of independence. Her chance to escape the life her parents were ruining. To get away from the horrible scandal that had rocked Amsterdam, the scandal that was all her dad's fault. To see if her mom, the glamorous, world-famous artist, would even notice. New York steals Emilia's heart at first sight -- even though absolutely nothing goes to plan. She didn't plan to end up homeless on a stranger's doorstep. She didn't plan to make friends with Seth, Abby, and Jim. And she could never have known that Hurricane Sandy would be barreling up the coast, straight for the city. All she wanted was to get away from her parents, her problems, her life . . . and when the storm hits and the power goes out, Emilia feels farther from home than she could have imagined.

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Media: (3.44)
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