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A Prairie Dog's Love Song

di Eli Easton

Serie: Clyde's Corner (1)

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255945,914 (3.21)Nessuno
Fiction. Romance. Western. Humor (Fiction.) Despite a crush on Joshua, Ben won't be as easy to tame as Joshua's "lost cause" horses. It will take a lot of heart and holiday spirit.
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Mostra 5 di 5
This is probably the worst Eli Easton book I've read so far. It's not bad, but it's not what I've come to expect from her writing either.
That said, this story was short and sweet (though I didn't like Joshua at all) ( )
  NannyOgg13 | Apr 28, 2021 |
It's definitely better than most of the books I've rated as 3s.

Parts of this novella were wonderful. The writing, at times, superlative. Joshua was a bit of written perfection. But... somehow it didn't quite work.

I guess, for me, the connection between Joshua and Ben was lacking. I'm thinking it may be because we see no early interaction between the two men. To me it seems like this is just a small portion of a larger story that I really, really want to read. ( )
  Bookbee1 | Apr 7, 2021 |
Stories about two men who really belong together, yet manage to miscommunicate, always tear at my heartstrings. Ben adores the 6 years older rancher Joshua, and Joshua longs for Ben once he's all grown up, but Ben figures Joshua is straight, and Joshua thinks he has time to figure out how to approach Ben. Instead Ben gives up and leaves to shoot gay porn, of all things, and Joshua is left behind to try to figure out what went wrong. The heartache!

Joshua is a taciturn, very private man, and figures it is nobody's business to know his private life. Unfortunately for him, when he tries to convince Ben to come back, Ben tells him he cannot live that sort of life. Problem is, Joshua can no longer live without Ben, so he has to come up with a plan. And let me tell you, it is one heck of a plan!

Ben doesn't think he will ever be accepted in his home town. The porn is one thing but an openly gay man? Not going to happen. And he refuses to go back in the closet, even for Joshua. He is as miserable as Joshua, and at least as stubborn. And when his father calls him home for Christmas, he still doesn't want to go, but has no choice. He is in for an amazing surprise!

If you like cowboys who fall for other cowboys, if you enjoy reading about men of few words who find their tongue only when needed, and if you're looking for a sweet cowboy romance with a touch of Christmas spirit, then you will probably like this novella.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review.
( )
  SerenaYates | Oct 14, 2017 |
Story: 6
First MC: 7
Second MC: 6
Secondary characters: 6
Mystery: 2
Sexual tension: 5
Humor: 2
Hotness: 5
Product placement: 2
Ridiculousness: 5
Annoying: 4
To re-read: 2

This was a short story, not much of character development. ( )
  lulumiami | Sep 3, 2017 |
A surefire way to get me to read a Holiday novella...have a porn star MC.

  SheReadsALot | Jun 20, 2016 |
Mostra 5 di 5
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Joshua Braintree stared at the laptop screen with a mix of shock, arousal, and stone-cold pissed.
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Fiction. Romance. Western. Humor (Fiction.) Despite a crush on Joshua, Ben won't be as easy to tame as Joshua's "lost cause" horses. It will take a lot of heart and holiday spirit.

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Media: (3.21)
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