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Fast Track

di Julie Garwood

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

Serie: Buchanan-Renard-MacKenna/FBI (12)

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
403865,521 (3.5)2
"Family secrets and a hidden past-a woman's search to uncover the truth ignites danger and passion in the latest novel from #1 New York Times-bestselling author Julie Garwood. Cordelia Kane has always been a daddy's girl-her father raised her alone after her mother died in a car crash when Cordelia was just two years old. So when he has a serious heart attack, Cordelia is devastated, and the emotion is only intensified by the confusion she feels when he reveals the shocking truth about her mother. Cordelia can't suppress her curiosity about the woman who gave birth to her, and when she discovers the answers to her questions lie in Sydney, Australia, she travels there to get them. Hotel magnate Aiden Madison is Cordelia's best friend's older brother. He's oblivious to the fact that she's had a crush on him for years. When he gets railroaded into taking her along to Sydney on his company jet, he's unwittingly drawn into a volatile family drama. Aiden wants to help Cordelia get answers about her mother, but threats from her wealthy, high-powered family are quickly becoming dangerous. Sparks are flying between Cordelia and Aiden, but after multiple attempts are made on Cordelia's life, Aiden realizes he must put a stop to the madness before he loses the thing he values most"--… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente danirena, CJForrest, biblioteca privata, PedalCake, westonm, Pinkz18, Eye999, lisareadinggirl
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( )
  rkleslje | Jan 8, 2023 |
This was a fast read and wasn't bad. It just wasn't great either. As a mystery or suspense it was acceptable but not that mysterious or suspensful. As a romance it was a little better but I never really felt any true emotion from Aiden. It kind of felt like he decided to throw her a bang and then just decided she'd do to keep going on with. He was always just f***ing her then getting up without a word and going to shower. He didn't seem to care whether he spent any time with her and spent most of the book off working somewhere. She was a bit of a pushover. All "oh that's just the way he is." Looks of secondary characters who will probably get their own books.

This is a comfort food type book, especially if you've already invested years in the series. ( )
  Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
Missed the mark

This was a good read for Garwood fans, but it's the same plot as the other stories do these three friends. ( )
  MsKathrene | Mar 2, 2019 |
She is my go to writer but she has to come up a step. This could have been interchanged with Hot Shot. I get angry when authors short cut with formulaic writing. It detracts from their story telling gifts. ( )
  ogaines | Sep 20, 2017 |
Having been a long time fan of Julie Garwood makes having to admit that her newer books (the ones written in the last 10 years or so) are just one disappointment after another. Although 3 stars isn't a horrible rating I know Garwood can do so much better. I think I'm just getting tired of her new heroines. They are seriously just too perfect. Most of them usually don't exercise yet are perfectly proportioned and thin. They are extremely beautiful yet don't feel that they are (this one drives me nuts). Most are extremely intelligent.

With this particular book even though the idea of Cordie was annoying (perfect women are tiresome to read about) I didn't completely hate her. I actually liked her. The roots that Garwood put down for her made her more humble to me and shortly into the book I actually felt an emotional connection to her. I did have one issue with her though, instead of admitting she wanted Aiden and going after him she chose to run away from her feelings and him. I think as far as characters go, the larger fault, for me, is actually in Aiden. Hot, intelligent, lawyer, millionaire hotelier...what isn't good about him? Well, I just didn't buy into his feelings for Cordie. Sure Garwood added hints on how his feelings were building but I really miss her old historic romance heroes. The ones that are so Alpha they practically beat their chests and grunt when they talk but their love for their woman can bring them to their knees. I miss that "If I lost you, I'd be nothing." moments in her books. This book didn't have any of those moments for me. As much as I really wanted to like Aiden he was either treating Cordie like a princess by lavishing her with expensive clothing or being her domineering jailer (for her protection dontcha know) with nothing in between. There are names for men who do this. None of them are good and a therapist would recommend to steer clear of these men.

Here's where I got super annoyed....For a big part of the book Cordie was locked in a proverbial ivory tower. The men in her life took care of her and took care of her trouble for her. Even though she struggled with the captivity the book felt as if Garwood was advertising that women cannot take care of their own trouble and have to rely on big strong men to protect them. This wasn't the only hint of sexism I picked up on. In several instances there were quite a few men wanting to talk to Aiden about business. No women. Most of the women mentioned were ones that wanted to have sex with Aiden. What? Women cannot be shrewd business people? Not in this book I guess.

So, while Cordie was being protected there was little suspense to be had. I wasn't too terribly worried that something would happen to her despite the direction Garwood took the storyline. The bad guy was a bit obvious and it made no sense as to why that person would sit on the information waiting for the shoe to drop for decades. It seems that particular person would have done something years earlier to eliminate the potential threat because of the way Garwood made their character.

One last thing that I struggled with.....Although Garwood's writing was, as usual, pleasant to read it didn't feel like a Garwood. There were so many sentences that began "she said" or "she went" or "she stopped". She. She. She. When it wasn't "she" it was "he". What happened to Garwood's polished prose? At this point I'm not sure if I just never noticed but now I am or she really has changed the way she writes. I'm not sure if I'm inclined to go back and read all of her Buchanan/Renard books again to double check either.

In a Nutshell: An Ok book that would have been better with a more impacting suspense plot, a better leading man and less 50's sexist ideals. But hey, it was a quick read and there are a couple interesting secondary characters that are worth mentioning (Walker and Liam). ( )
  ChristinaT. | Dec 3, 2016 |
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Julie Garwoodautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Eby, TanyaReaderautore principalealcune edizioniconfermato
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May you always have
A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel so nothing can harm you.
-- An Irish Blessing
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For Marlow Raye Garwood,
our newest pride and joy
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Cordelia Kane met her Prince Charming when she was just five years old.
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"Family secrets and a hidden past-a woman's search to uncover the truth ignites danger and passion in the latest novel from #1 New York Times-bestselling author Julie Garwood. Cordelia Kane has always been a daddy's girl-her father raised her alone after her mother died in a car crash when Cordelia was just two years old. So when he has a serious heart attack, Cordelia is devastated, and the emotion is only intensified by the confusion she feels when he reveals the shocking truth about her mother. Cordelia can't suppress her curiosity about the woman who gave birth to her, and when she discovers the answers to her questions lie in Sydney, Australia, she travels there to get them. Hotel magnate Aiden Madison is Cordelia's best friend's older brother. He's oblivious to the fact that she's had a crush on him for years. When he gets railroaded into taking her along to Sydney on his company jet, he's unwittingly drawn into a volatile family drama. Aiden wants to help Cordelia get answers about her mother, but threats from her wealthy, high-powered family are quickly becoming dangerous. Sparks are flying between Cordelia and Aiden, but after multiple attempts are made on Cordelia's life, Aiden realizes he must put a stop to the madness before he loses the thing he values most"--

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