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Remember When (Remember Trilogy, #1)

di T. Torrest

Serie: Remember Trilogy (1)

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1556182,506 (3.97)Nessuno
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Years before Trip Wiley could be seen on movie screens all over the world, he could be seen sitting in the desk behind me in my high school English class. This was back in 1990, and I cite the year only to avoid dumbfounding you when references to big hair or stretch pants are mentioned. Although, come to think of it, I am from New Jersey, which may serve as explanation enough. We were teenagers then, way back in a time before anyone, himself included, could even dream he'd turn into the Hollywood commodity that he is today. I'm sure I don't need to tell you who Trip Wiley is. But on the off chance you've been living under a rock for the past decade, just know that these days, he's the bad boy actor found at the top of every casting director's wish list. He's incredibly talented and insanely gorgeous, the combination of which has made him very rich, very famous and very desirable. And not just to casting directors, either. I can't confirm any of the gossip from his early years out in Tinseltown, but based on what I knew of his life before he was famous, I can tell you that the idea of Girls-Throwing-Themselves-At-Trip is not a new concept. I should know. I was one of them. And my life hasn't been the same since.… (altro)
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"No, Layla. I won’t stop.” He moved closer, cradling my head to his chest before continuing. “I know you’re leaving and I would never try to keep you from going, and I guess I have my own path to follow as well. But don’t ever ask me to stop loving you, because I can’t. Don’t ever think I’ll be able to forget you, because I won’t.”

oh this book....layla and trip......

I absolutely loved this book . I had it figured out from the beginning but it d idnt stop me from enjoying this book. the banter between kip and layla was hilarious (made me laugh out loud a few times)

only thing I didn't like about it was I felt the ending was kind of rushed. but there's a sequel so that makes sense. ( )
  nicolemeier111 | Aug 29, 2018 |
Okay so I just caught the look you shot me over your shoulder and you need to know that I can't even breathe right now.

This book. I laughed. I cried. It took me right back to high school in all the best ways. I can't wait to read the next two books!

Layla is a senior at a small New Jersey high school. Everybody knows everything about everybody else until Terrance C. Wilmington III, better known as Trip, is introduced as the new guy. Layla and Trip click immediately, but while Layla quickly develops a crush on Trip, it seems that Trip's feelings are purely platonic. As Layla and Trip begin spending more and more time together, Trip drops hints that he might be interested in something more than friendship -- but misunderstandings keep them apart.

But, if you can believe it, there is actually a plot outside of the relationship between Trip and Layla. They have distinct personalities. They have friends. They worry about what they're doing after high school. They have parents who worry about them. They even have hobbies! This is so rare in a New Adult novel that I just want to find Torrest and give her a huge hug. THANK YOU FOR WRITING A REALISTIC BOOK!

I can't wait to get books two and three and devour them over a weekend. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the free copy. ( )
  Sara.Newhouse | Feb 11, 2016 |
Rarely do I want to give a book 10 stars. This one I do.

Rarely do I place a book in my "all time faves" category on my kindle. This one I did.

Rarely do I purchase the rest of a series as soon as I've finished reading the first one. This one I did.

Holy wow, I'm speechless. What an amazing book. What a crazy ride into the past, falling in love for the first time. The emotional roller coaster, the flash of emotions, the confusion, the heart pounding tension.

This author did an absolutely amazing writing job. It's truly a fantastic book that left me speechless, deeply touched and wanting more through it's sensitivity and emotion. ( )
  katsmiao | Oct 23, 2015 |
Layla Warren is a popular girl in her high school. She has a good group of friends, a wonderful best friend, Lisa, and is dreaming of getting her driver’s license soon. She has no idea though, that the new boy who just moved into her town (and school), will change her life. Trip Wilmington (as he’s known in this book) is the new kid at school and he’s gorgeous with a strong body and perfect blonde hair. He’s also assigned the seat behind Layla in English class. From the moment Layla sees him, she’s crushing on him. To her luck, it is her social group that Trip decides to join into. Now, not only is he sitting behind her in English, he’s also at her lunch table and attending all the parties her friends throw. She and Trip become good friends, but will they ever become more than that? Layla certainly hopes so.

This all happened back in 1990, before Trip became a major Hollywood star, the most sought-after actor in the business.

In Remember When, Layla recounts her relationship with Trip and her many fond memories of him and her other friends during their senior year before they all split up headed off to college or other adventures.

I loved Remember When. There were a few things that puzzled me, such as why Layla was getting her driver’s license at seventeen instead of sixteen. Layla was born in 1973. I was born in ’76, and as far as I know, everybody around my age got their licenses at sixteen. I thought that was odd. There was also a mention of her best friend, Lisa, having a poster of David Cassidy and I was thinking Rick Springfield or Matt Dillon would have been more appropriate to the time setting of the novel. However, three years can be a big difference sometimes, so maybe I’m wrong. Anyhow, that was the only thing that bothered me about Remember When, and I don’t consider it to be much of a big deal, so having said that, let me tell you about the awesomeness of this book.

Remember When was a great story, a coming-of-age love story. I loved all the characters and felt so invested in them. Layla was a wonderful main character. She was popular, but not snobbish. She had a big crush on Tripp, but she never really lost her self-esteem when he didn’t seem as enamored of her as she was of him. Lisa is a good friend and secondary character. She is well-developed as a character and behaves as a best friend should, being supportive and looking out for Layla’s best interests. All of the characters were three-dimensional. I cared about the secondary characters and identified with them almost as much as I did with Layla and Trip. The only character that I felt could have used more building up was Layla’s brother, Bruce. He was just kind of there as a name. I never knew much about him at all and he never really interacted with anyone. Maybe that will change in the next book. The ending was bittersweet and I cried. I figure that’s always the mark of a good book. You’d better believe I’m reading the second book, Remember When 2, as soon as I can. This is one that’s worth reading!
You can read more of my reviews at ( )
  Aeroette | Dec 28, 2014 |
This book pulled me in right from the start. This 1st book of the trilogy is the story of Layla's senior year in high school, and the friendship/romance that she experiences with Trip Wiley. I loved all of the 80's & early 90's references. The book had an authentic feel to it, really capturing the mindset of a typical 17yo girl. Apparently, as the series progresses, he goes on to become a world-famous actor. And, of course, their paths end up crossing again. :) ( )
  Dawn94 | Dec 20, 2014 |
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Years before Trip Wiley could be seen on movie screens all over the world, he could be seen sitting in the desk behind me in my high school English class. This was back in 1990, and I cite the year only to avoid dumbfounding you when references to big hair or stretch pants are mentioned. Although, come to think of it, I am from New Jersey, which may serve as explanation enough. We were teenagers then, way back in a time before anyone, himself included, could even dream he'd turn into the Hollywood commodity that he is today. I'm sure I don't need to tell you who Trip Wiley is. But on the off chance you've been living under a rock for the past decade, just know that these days, he's the bad boy actor found at the top of every casting director's wish list. He's incredibly talented and insanely gorgeous, the combination of which has made him very rich, very famous and very desirable. And not just to casting directors, either. I can't confirm any of the gossip from his early years out in Tinseltown, but based on what I knew of his life before he was famous, I can tell you that the idea of Girls-Throwing-Themselves-At-Trip is not a new concept. I should know. I was one of them. And my life hasn't been the same since.

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