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Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise

di Gene Yuen Yang, Gurihiru (Illustratore)

Altri autori: Michael Dante DiMartino (Creator), Bryan Konietzko (Creator)

Serie: Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise (Omnibus), Avatar: The Last Airbender (The Promise [Omnibus])

UtentiRecensioniPopolaritàMedia votiCitazioni
6351538,329 (4.17)2
Comic and Graphic Books. Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:Aang and friends must join together once again as the four nations' tenuous peace is threatened by an impasse between Fire Lord Zuko and Earth King Kuei!
As the world heads toward another devastating war, Aang's friendship with Zuko throws him into the middle of the conflict!
Available for the first time in omnibus format, this volume collects parts 1-3 of Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise. This is the official continuation of the hit Nickelodeon(TM) series!.
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More Avatar is always good, but the book has some issues and didnt totally hit the mark for me. 3.5. I suspect I’ll like some of the next ones more.

Iroh inventing boba before its time was excellent though. ( )
  mrbearbooks | Apr 22, 2024 |

"Library Edition", which collects all three parts into one, accompanied by commentary from the sketch artists and some additional art at the back of the book. It's a nice little package. I think there could have been more in terms of concept art and insight, but I'm grateful for what's included. It seems that there were some touch-ups to the drawings as well (one of them notes they added in a missing scar on a drawing of Zuko for this edition), so this should probably be considered definitive.

This was a reread for me in prep for the other graphic novels, which I never got around to reading when I dipped in years ago. I think some of the new secondary characters are a bit weak, but the overall story and art are an excellent expansion of the series. The main crew feel right at home in this format and the tone of the original series is really well captured. I was gripped, excited and often laughing; it was a joy from beginning to end. The cliff-hanger is great and I can't wait to get into the other entries. Somehow I've managed to shield myself from spoilers all these years... ( )
  TheScribblingMan | Jul 29, 2023 |
Well, usually I am not a comic person, but since thus series provides additional stories taking place after the TV series' episodes and the only format available was comics, I had to go for it.

The promise takes place just after the TV series and it's about the restoration of the four nations after the defeat of the fire lord. Again, we see a very insecure Zuko in front of difficulties, always under the negative influence of her sister, Azula. That's Zuko, the same as in the series. Themes like integration and diversity are dealt with in this volume.
I enjoyed a lot staying in the avatar world a bit longer and see how the world is going to change. ( )
  Sara_Lucario | Oct 19, 2021 |
The love I have of the series knows no bounds. It still has flaws though and I think the same flaws carried over to this comic.

The distinction between men and women for example. In my experience kids don't really care what gender someone is beyond seeing the differences in equipment. Which most of the time they think is wonderful. It was a shame that the creators felt that making certain someone was a he or she was needed. For the plot it didn't matter.

But what I really enjoyed was the art. It's gorgeous. Simple but bold in colours. And with the same kind of humour found in the television series.

One thing I noticed only because of the remarks made by the artists in my copy, they had trouble with certain expressions? And somehow I don't think if you read a lot of manga, you would have that trouble? Or did they avoid that kind of style?

Where I think this book shines is in it's handling of colonialism but also integration. About how cultures clash. And how that clash can be personal, generational or national. As a child of 2 cultures, which I do struggle with at times, it was somehow comforting to see that even though colonialism isn't a good, some good things can come from it. Even if it's 100 years later. But like in real life, not everyone looks at that on the same level.

I never forget that Avatar is intended for children. And they don't shy away from the hard things but it doesn't try to 'tell' children what's the best way. It shows that even though there is peace now, there will be conflict because that's human nature. But trying to find peace is also the human way.

I mean that's how I see it. It's why I scream at my friend's that their children should watch the series! And why I try to get the hardcover. I will want to reread this in the future or translate it for my nieces and nephews. The story is really worth it. BUT YOU HAVE TO SEE THE SERIES FIRST!

... Should I buy a dvd boxset? ( )
  Jonesy_now | Sep 24, 2021 |
Cute, nostalgic, full of feels. What more can I say? This is the perfect continuation to the series I love with all my heart. ( )
  Merlucito | Jul 30, 2020 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (2 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Gene Yuen Yangautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
GurihiruIllustratoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
DiMartino, Michael DanteCreatorautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Konietzko, BryanCreatorautore secondariotutte le edizioniconfermato
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Wikipedia in inglese (2)

Comic and Graphic Books. Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:Aang and friends must join together once again as the four nations' tenuous peace is threatened by an impasse between Fire Lord Zuko and Earth King Kuei!
As the world heads toward another devastating war, Aang's friendship with Zuko throws him into the middle of the conflict!
Available for the first time in omnibus format, this volume collects parts 1-3 of Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise. This is the official continuation of the hit Nickelodeon(TM) series!.

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Media: (4.17)
1 1
2 6
3 14
3.5 2
4 55
4.5 4
5 50

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