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Ava Gardner: The Secret Conversations

di Peter Evans, Ava Gardner

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1587179,067 (3.4)10
A self-portrait of the late film legend's golden-era Hollywood life traces her impoverished childhood in North Carolina through the heights of her career, sharing details of her relationships with such figures as Mickey Rooney, Frank Sinatra, and George C. Scott.
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» Vedi le 10 citazioni

This is far, far better than one would expect from the cover and the title. It’s absolutely Nabokovian in how the book is about its own creation; at least half of it concerns the author trying to cajole his subject into talking. And what a subject! Ava Gardner was a self-described broad when such a term was still used and comes across as sharp, foolish, tough, vain, sexy, lonely, insecure, sensible, and someone you’d love to have a drink with. It’s a terrific study of celebrity and reads like the inspiration for Sunset Blvd, although not as depressing.

There’s a laugh-out-loud line one every other page—but don’t lend this to your maiden aunt. ( )
  Stubb | Aug 28, 2018 |
Peter Evans was hired to do a biography of Ava Gardner (in the 1990s?), and this is his recap of the notes he was making while having sporadic late-night conversations with her. She eventually nixed the project, and Evans died, but then Ed Victor, who is a book agent or something involved in the initial project, got this published recently.

It's good. She liked sex, and describes her husbands and lovers: Mickey Rooney (horn dog), Artie Shaw (cerebral), Howard Hughes (overly gentle?), Frank Sinatra is just skimmed, and George C. Scott was a brute.

She really liked John Huston but avoided his passes. She wasn't a good actress and she knew it, but also knew that her sex appeal was enough for a Hollywood career. ( )
  br77rino | Jan 10, 2017 |
Let's get it straight folks. This is not the proverbial biography of Ava Gardner as some reviewers were complaining about, it states on the cover the book consists of CONVERSATIONS with her. Conversations with the author for the intended book they were co-writing.
After spending uncountable hours with her in person and on the phone at all hours, she nixed it. Why? Because she wanted to maintain a public image that reality did not fit.
Ava Gardner was a whole hell of a lot of woman. Strong, opinionated, intelligent she called it like she saw it. Vulgar, brash, stunningly beautiful and fiercely herself- like it or lump it, men were intrigued and she had her share.
This book was written from a unique standpoint in that 1) both Ava and the author died before it was published and 2)it's not a whitewashed cleaned up bio for the's real.
  linda.marsheells | Aug 13, 2014 |
I really liked this book. I didn't know much about Ava Garnder going into it, but it really gave insight. I thought the way the story would told was really great.
  SaharM17 | Jun 3, 2014 |
Read Oct13 from library. Curious way of moving between discussions with Ava and a very disjointed and patchy biography
  decore | Oct 26, 2013 |
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Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Peter Evansautore primariotutte le edizionicalcolato
Gardner, Avaautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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A self-portrait of the late film legend's golden-era Hollywood life traces her impoverished childhood in North Carolina through the heights of her career, sharing details of her relationships with such figures as Mickey Rooney, Frank Sinatra, and George C. Scott.

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