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di Lois Peterson

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425615,295 (3.9)1
Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

Since moving hundreds of miles to a new school, Daria has become increasingly dependent on her cell phone. Texts, Facebook and phone calls are her only connection to her friends in Calgary, and Daria needs to know everything that is going on at home to feel connected to her old life. Her cell phone habit looks a lot like addiction to her mother and to her new friend Cleo. Daria dismisses the idea of technology addiction as foolish until her habit puts a life in danger.

.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente daAGELibrary, MonaAllen
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What attracted me to this book?

The fact it was a short book!...It's only 124 pages.

I was at the library browsing around really quickly and just looking to see what would catch my eye and saw this one and noticed its, I grabbed it...Didn't have time to read much of the summary because I was supposed to be in there for something else and had someone outside waiting for me...At first, going by the cover, I thought it was a Dystopian Novella....But I did a quick scan of the summary and saw "New School", "Facebook" and knew it wasn't dystopia...but wasn't sure what it was until I got home, read the summary better and read the book (within a few hours...hey, I'm not a fast reader and have kids and other things I kept having to stop reading to handle)

So basically, this short little book is about Daria, who was dragged to another city, away from her two best friends. They are always texting, Facebooking, emailing, etc...And her family and the other knew girl at her new school are telling her she is addicted to technology and she says she isn't...

Well, a dangerous situation ends up happening that begins to open her technology addiction...

I wasn't sure what I would think about this book when I picked it up...I just knew I wouldn't like it but I went with it anyway....And as it turns out, its a good book, well written and easy to read. The chapters are really short. The characters are pretty easy to like. This is a true teen/YA book. The characters in this book are written in a way that it could be happening in everyday life...And I think that was the purpose of this book. And of course, with it talking about technology addictions...It leaves you with a little message without shoving it down your throat and making you feel bad for liking technology....But just letting you know that it can become one like any other addiction out there...Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc...

Well worth the read! ( )
  RamblingBookNerd | Jun 5, 2019 |
Daria's family moved to a new town and her cell phone is the only link she has to her old friends. An accident happens while she was babysitting which results in her losing her phone for a month. A new friend and class project help her realize that her dependence on the phone was a real addiction. ( )
  mamzel | Apr 16, 2015 |
What attracted me to this book?

The fact it was a short book!...It's only 124 pages.

I was at the library browsing around really quickly and just looking to see what would catch my eye and saw this one and noticed its, I grabbed it...Didn't have time to read much of the summary because I was supposed to be in there for something else and had someone outside waiting for me...At first, going by the cover, I thought it was a Dystopian Novella....But I did a quick scan of the summary and saw "New School", "Facebook" and knew it wasn't dystopia...but wasn't sure what it was until I got home, read the summary better and read the book (within a few hours...hey, I'm not a fast reader and have kids and other things I kept having to stop reading to handle)

So basically, this short little book is about Daria, who was dragged to another city, away from her two best friends. They are always texting, Facebooking, emailing, etc...And her family and the other knew girl at her new school are telling her she is addicted to technology and she says she isn't...

Well, a dangerous situation ends up happening that begins to open her technology addiction...

I wasn't sure what I would think about this book when I picked it up...I just knew I wouldn't like it but I went with it anyway....And as it turns out, its a good book, well written and easy to read. The chapters are really short. The characters are pretty easy to like. This is a true teen/YA book. The characters in this book are written in a way that it could be happening in everyday life...And I think that was the purpose of this book. And of course, with it talking about technology addictions...It leaves you with a little message without shoving it down your throat and making you feel bad for liking technology....But just letting you know that it can become one like any other addiction out there...Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc...

Well worth the read! ( )
  MsBridgetReads | Jul 8, 2014 |
What attracted me to this book?

The fact it was a short book!...It's only 124 pages.

I was at the library browsing around really quickly and just looking to see what would catch my eye and saw this one and noticed its, I grabbed it...Didn't have time to read much of the summary because I was supposed to be in there for something else and had someone outside waiting for me...At first, going by the cover, I thought it was a Dystopian Novella....But I did a quick scan of the summary and saw "New School", "Facebook" and knew it wasn't dystopia...but wasn't sure what it was until I got home, read the summary better and read the book (within a few hours...hey, I'm not a fast reader and have kids and other things I kept having to stop reading to handle)

So basically, this short little book is about Daria, who was dragged to another city, away from her two best friends. They are always texting, Facebooking, emailing, etc...And her family and the other knew girl at her new school are telling her she is addicted to technology and she says she isn't...

Well, a dangerous situation ends up happening that begins to open her technology addiction...

I wasn't sure what I would think about this book when I picked it up...I just knew I wouldn't like it but I went with it anyway....And as it turns out, its a good book, well written and easy to read. The chapters are really short. The characters are pretty easy to like. This is a true teen/YA book. The characters in this book are written in a way that it could be happening in everyday life...And I think that was the purpose of this book. And of course, with it talking about technology addictions...It leaves you with a little message without shoving it down your throat and making you feel bad for liking technology....But just letting you know that it can become one like any other addiction out there...Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc...

Well worth the read! ( )
  OBridget1 | May 4, 2014 |
What attracted me to this book?

The fact it was a short book!...It's only 124 pages.

I was at the library browsing around really quickly and just looking to see what would catch my eye and saw this one and noticed its, I grabbed it...Didn't have time to read much of the summary because I was supposed to be in there for something else and had someone outside waiting for me...At first, going by the cover, I thought it was a Dystopian Novella....But I did a quick scan of the summary and saw "New School", "Facebook" and knew it wasn't dystopia...but wasn't sure what it was until I got home, read the summary better and read the book (within a few hours...hey, I'm not a fast reader and have kids and other things I kept having to stop reading to handle)

So basically, this short little book is about Daria, who was dragged to another city, away from her two best friends. They are always texting, Facebooking, emailing, etc...And her family and the other knew girl at her new school are telling her she is addicted to technology and she says she isn't...

Well, a dangerous situation ends up happening that begins to open her technology addiction...

I wasn't sure what I would think about this book when I picked it up...I just knew I wouldn't like it but I went with it anyway....And as it turns out, its a good book, well written and easy to read. The chapters are really short. The characters are pretty easy to like. This is a true teen/YA book. The characters in this book are written in a way that it could be happening in everyday life...And I think that was the purpose of this book. And of course, with it talking about technology addictions...It leaves you with a little message without shoving it down your throat and making you feel bad for liking technology....But just letting you know that it can become one like any other addiction out there...Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc...

Well worth the read! ( )
  BridgetsBookNook | Feb 6, 2014 |
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Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

Since moving hundreds of miles to a new school, Daria has become increasingly dependent on her cell phone. Texts, Facebook and phone calls are her only connection to her friends in Calgary, and Daria needs to know everything that is going on at home to feel connected to her old life. Her cell phone habit looks a lot like addiction to her mother and to her new friend Cleo. Daria dismisses the idea of technology addiction as foolish until her habit puts a life in danger.


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