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Accidentally on Purpose (Accidentally on Purpose, #1)

di L.D. Davis

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Kyle Sterling is Emmy's boss and the biggest jerk she knows. He's abrasive, uptight, and selfish. When Emmy sleeps with Kyle after a night of drinking, she quickly tries to put the mistake behind her. When the duo is snowed in together over a long weekend, Emmy begins to discover there is more to Kyle than his mean-spirited behavior. Unfortunately, Kyle has a steady girlfriend he is unwilling to break up with. Moving on and putting that long weekend behind her, Emmy starts dating attorney Luke Kessler. Luke treats Emmy with kindness, reverence, and loves her unconditionally. He is everything Emmy should ever want in a man-sexy, intelligent, successful, and funny, with strong family bonds. He is definitely everything her loudmouthed, overly opinionated mother could ever want for her. Even as their relationship takes off, Emmy is finding Kyle hard to shake. He aggressively pursues her, blatant in his feelings and desire for her. When Emmy succumbs to her hidden feelings for Kyle without setting Luke free, devastating consequences ensue. Addicted to Kyle, unable to purge him from her life, Emmy's once easygoing life is now on a path of destruction. Will she let go of this man before it's too late? Is Luke's love truly unconditional? Will Emmy ever recover from accidentally on purpose falling for two men at the same time?… (altro)
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Totally loved this book. Emmy was awesome and Luke..well...we all want a Luke to save us. Kyle just sounded like a pompous ass who couldn't stand upto his spoiled brat girlfriend and bigger ass of a father. Onto the next book! ( )
  seyebrows | Dec 30, 2015 |
4 shaky stars. This book had me shocked but not in a good way. Things were going so well then *BAM* I was given a smack in the face that left me I feeling so angry in the end that my whole review has to be a spoiler alert!

The ending was a giant cop out!!! I didn't buy it! Kyle being on meth as an explanation was shoved down our throats. There was never any indication but it seemed as though Emmy knew this all along!!?? I'll admit Kyle was a moody jerk at work but that's not unusual. Yes, he did have a bit of an anger issue. Yes, he was too weak to stand up to his girlfriend and family but did he have to be a druggie?? It doesn't make sense! Emmy was weak especially the way she handled Kyle in the end! Luke would have been better off without her IMO. She doesn't really love Luke in the forever kind of way and I think she would have still chosen Kyle eventually if she hadn't gotten knocked up twice by Luke!

I would have respected the story more if Emmy's choice was a little harder to make but of course who would pick a violent drug addict over a nice guy who is the father of your children... I probably would have still picked Kyle at the end...oh well
( )
  GwendolynGrace | Jul 15, 2015 |
This book definetly had its moments. ( )
  Debbie97462 | Jul 16, 2014 |
I am so torn on this book. I like it, but made me SO mad!

The heroine hates her boss...then they meet in a bar after work, end up having sex and fall in love. Even though really, it doesn't seem like he has done anything to become lovable. He tells her he has been in love with her for ages, yet he treats her like crap. We find out later why he is such an ass... which doesn't really make it make any more sense.

Emma is a wreck. I didn't really get a clear view of why she was so willing to screw up her life. Usually there is an underlying issue with someone that will lead them to continue to make horrible choices. With Emma, she seemed put together, and then just goes and screws up over and over. Choosing an abusive, distant, uncaring man over a man that clearly loves her and drinking like a fish constantly. Was she ever not drunk?

I appreciated that in the end, she pulled herself together and redeemed herself, but it was a long time to get there. A long, frustrating time.

( )
  Kate.Good | Jul 3, 2014 |
I am so torn on this book. I like it, but made me SO mad!

The heroine hates her boss...then they meet in a bar after work, end up having sex and fall in love. Even though really, it doesn't seem like he has done anything to become lovable. He tells her he has been in love with her for ages, yet he treats her like crap. We find out later why he is such an ass... which doesn't really make it make any more sense.

Emma is a wreck. I didn't really get a clear view of why she was so willing to screw up her life. Usually there is an underlying issue with someone that will lead them to continue to make horrible choices. With Emma, she seemed put together, and then just goes and screws up over and over. Choosing an abusive, distant, uncaring man over a man that clearly loves her and drinking like a fish constantly. Was she ever not drunk?

I appreciated that in the end, she pulled herself together and redeemed herself, but it was a long time to get there. A long, frustrating time.

( )
  Kate.Good | Jul 3, 2014 |
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Kyle Sterling is Emmy's boss and the biggest jerk she knows. He's abrasive, uptight, and selfish. When Emmy sleeps with Kyle after a night of drinking, she quickly tries to put the mistake behind her. When the duo is snowed in together over a long weekend, Emmy begins to discover there is more to Kyle than his mean-spirited behavior. Unfortunately, Kyle has a steady girlfriend he is unwilling to break up with. Moving on and putting that long weekend behind her, Emmy starts dating attorney Luke Kessler. Luke treats Emmy with kindness, reverence, and loves her unconditionally. He is everything Emmy should ever want in a man-sexy, intelligent, successful, and funny, with strong family bonds. He is definitely everything her loudmouthed, overly opinionated mother could ever want for her. Even as their relationship takes off, Emmy is finding Kyle hard to shake. He aggressively pursues her, blatant in his feelings and desire for her. When Emmy succumbs to her hidden feelings for Kyle without setting Luke free, devastating consequences ensue. Addicted to Kyle, unable to purge him from her life, Emmy's once easygoing life is now on a path of destruction. Will she let go of this man before it's too late? Is Luke's love truly unconditional? Will Emmy ever recover from accidentally on purpose falling for two men at the same time?

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