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Beautiful Mess (Bailey's Boys, #1)

di Kenny Wright

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Not an erotic romance, but a nice little friends-to-lovers story. I mostly end up reading romances set in the US, so a nice change! ( )
  Aelianna | Jun 5, 2013 |
[b:Beautiful Mess|12922018|Beautiful Mess|Lucy V. Morgan||18077311] is just a novella by a new author [a:Lucy V. Morgan|5222742|Lucy V. Morgan|] but I think it gives us a glimpse of one of the new hopes in contemporary romance genre. Her writing style maybe needs a little bit more styling, but she has a great sense of humor and she managed to make old topic seem new and fresh.

Bailey got dumped by her boyfriend. So is it that surprising that gnomes of self-pity came riding on owls of despair? Nope. But fortunately she has three great friends to help her get over her good-for-nothing boyfriend. She tries to listen to them and repeats: 'I am not a gnome of self pity. I'm an imp of pure ass-kickery. A fuck-yeah fairy.' The question is - will the mantra work?
The answer is yes. '...discovering that one of your best friends has been in love with you for his adult life is enough to send the gnomes of self pity packing. They didn't even have time to mount their owls.' ( )
  bookwormdreams | Apr 10, 2013 |
Clocking in somewhere between a short story and a novella, this vignette started strong then fizzled out. The narrator's voice is wicked and funny and oozes youthfulness, but the story was incomplete and unsatisfying. The characters also use a lot of language in the "casual bigotry" category - referring to large pumps as being in "tranny sizes," calling things "retarded," and so on - which mirrors how most 24 year olds speak to each other, but some readers might want to give it a wide berth because of it. ( )
  Ridley_ | Apr 1, 2013 |
This story was adorable. Really short, no drama whatsoever, just one girl being consoled by her three best friends after her boyfriend dumps her. A group of friends that happen to be a rambunctious group of guys. It's shorter than a novella so you can read it in less than an hour. The heroine has pet rats, the romance is cute, the bromance even cuter and the sex hot. It's also free on Smashwords, Amazon and I assume the other e-retailers. I hope all the guys get their own story. ( )
  Brie.Clementine | Mar 31, 2013 |
Cute. Well written novella in that there were no info dumps. Lots of background delivered organically.

Low score is for use of derogatory terms that I am uncomfortable reading, and they were in large volumes.
I think with minimum effort she could have come up with adorable derogatory terms (she did it quite often) that didn't use offensively stereotypical terms.

Not interested in the follow-up books. ( )
  EllenAvondale | Mar 31, 2013 |
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