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The Wild Ones (The Wild Ones, #1)

di M. Leighton

Serie: The Wild Ones (1)

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The darling daughter of a champion Thoroughbred breeder, Camille "Cami" Hines has a pedigree that rivals some of her father's best horses. Other than feeling a little suffocated at times, Cami thought she was happy with her boyfriend, her life, and her future--until she met Patrick Henley. "Trick" blurs the lines between what Cami wants and what is expected of her--and he just happens to be so sexy she can't keep her hands off him. While they both know that Trick will lose his much needed job on the ranch if anyone finds out, they can't resist the lure of their scorchingly hot encounters. But when Trick stumbles upon a note from his father, it triggers a series of revelations that could ruin what he and Cami have worked so hard to overcome. It turns out there's more to Trick's presence at the ranch than either of them knew, and secrets with the power to tear them apart... "Ms. Leighton is a phenomenal writer." --Bookish Temptations "Romantic, sexy, and absolutely perfect Drop everything and read this right now " --The Bookish Brunette… (altro)
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Boring, boring, and more boring. Also, an egregious overuse of exclamations points and italics. Also also, first-person present tense is rarely successful. DNF.
  wonderlande | Jan 1, 2023 |
Not as good as "Down to You." Was pretty disappointed, honestly. Maybe I need to like horses more, but the plot was slow moving and I didn't feel the chemistry between the main characters. ( )
  Cerestheories | Nov 8, 2021 |
This one had its ups and downs (unfortunately a lot of downs) but I enjoyed the story nonetheless.

A love story between Cami, the Daddy-little-girl who had enough of being treated that way and Patrick "Trick" the hard-working-boy who supports his widowed mother, has a passion for horses and falls (mostly in lust then in love) for the wrong girl who happens to be his boss' daughter. There was a lot of drama, the kind I would have LOVED if I were handed the book 4 years ago, but not right now. I was hoping for a more serious couple-issues rather then their families feud and deep-buried dirty secret.

The characters felt shallow at moments, more feeling each other up and wanting to get it on, which would have been fine with me if it wasn't taking 50% of the book.

Albeit my complaints I liked M.Leighton's book and writing and I'll check some of her other books who had a lot of praise. I hope I will like those more ( )
  Ash600 | Mar 19, 2021 |
Es tan ridícula y está tan pobremenete escrita esta novela que hace parecer a libros como Beautiful Disaster obras de William Faulkner . ( )
  LaMala | Jul 8, 2015 |
4.5 stars!!! ( )
  TexasBookLover7 | Jun 16, 2015 |
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The darling daughter of a champion Thoroughbred breeder, Camille "Cami" Hines has a pedigree that rivals some of her father's best horses. Other than feeling a little suffocated at times, Cami thought she was happy with her boyfriend, her life, and her future--until she met Patrick Henley. "Trick" blurs the lines between what Cami wants and what is expected of her--and he just happens to be so sexy she can't keep her hands off him. While they both know that Trick will lose his much needed job on the ranch if anyone finds out, they can't resist the lure of their scorchingly hot encounters. But when Trick stumbles upon a note from his father, it triggers a series of revelations that could ruin what he and Cami have worked so hard to overcome. It turns out there's more to Trick's presence at the ranch than either of them knew, and secrets with the power to tear them apart... "Ms. Leighton is a phenomenal writer." --Bookish Temptations "Romantic, sexy, and absolutely perfect Drop everything and read this right now " --The Bookish Brunette

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Media: (3.49)
1 2
2 4
3 17
3.5 1
4 13
4.5 2
5 7

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