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To the Vanishing Point

di Alan Dean Foster

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439659,152 (3.4)1 / 9
Aliens in the mirror are closer than they appear. The #1 New York Times-bestselling author of Relic takes readers on an out-of-this-world road trip.   The Sonderberg family does not know it yet, but this is not going to be any ordinary road trip. After they pick up an unassuming hitchhiker, a quiet drive down Interstate 40 becomes a trip into an alternate reality. It turns out the family has just given a ride to an alien who has the fate of the universe resting on her shoulders. Now the Sonderberg family must fight evil alongside their new alien friend, in a desperate attempt to save the world they love.… (altro)
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A family road trip to Vegas turns ultra-strange when they pick up a young lady hitchhiker, who tells them they are now on a quest to prevent Chaos from disrupting 'the Spinner' and destroying their and all nearby timelines. A quick trip to Hell ensues as well as encounters with other monsters, undead, etc. Along the way they pick up a Native American who's probably a deity and together they all try to complete the quest in their trusty RV.
A bit more on the horror side than I'm used to from Foster, but I enjoyed it. ( )
  Karlstar | Aug 30, 2024 |
This book was written in the late 1980s, and to the extent that it's set on our world, it's set in the late 1980s. An upper middle class American family sets out on an RV road trip from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. Husband and father Frank Sonderberg was sure it would be a fun, educational adventure for his kids, sixteen-year-old Wendy and 10-year-old Steven. Wife and mother Alecia was not so sure, and really, Frank should have listened to his wife. The kids are hating it--and it turns out, the area they're traveling through is less interesting than Frank expected.

Then they see a young woman standing by the side of the highway in the middle of the desert. She's alone. She has no luggage--and apparently not car. After a quick debate, they stop to picker her up.

Her name is Mohostosocia, or, she says, "Call me Mouse." She's blond, darker-skinned, wearing a "sari-like" garment. Frank can't place her, ethnically. Mouse says she's a singer, and that she's heading for, not Vegas, but a little past Vegas. They conclude she must be headed for a singing job at one of the casinos or nightclubs, because that makes sense, even though it's inconsistent with what she said. Mouse has, in fact, said that her task is to sooth the Spinner and stop breaks in the fabric of reality.

It's after Mouse joins them that things go a little weird. There's the odd and disturbing events at the gas station, The strange, rat-like creatures that attack the motor home. The discovery that the gas they bought is not good gas.

The very strange patrol officers that stop to help, start asking strange questions, and finally, having lured Wendy into the patrol car. order Frank to follow them into town.

The town isn't the town they expected to reach. It's Hades Station. This is where they start to realize that something might really be wrong with reality. While there, they meet Burnfingers Begay, escape, and head on to their next weird adventure.

Every time they things have returned to normal, they find they are wrong. Whatever is trying to destroy the Spinner is attacking them, and the Sonderbergs have become too associated with Mouse to achieve safety merely by dropping her off and heading on their way.

The characters are well-drawn, and grow and change in the course of their adventures. What had become the hated motor home, is becoming their vital piece of reality. Each of them finds new resources in themselves as they continue their harrowing journey, and struggle to reach the "Vanishing Point," at which Mouse should be able to do her job.

It's fun, fast, and truly absorbing. And yes, it's also a slice of the 1980s, and Alecia's only job is being the wife and mom, and one of our major characters is a Magic Indian--though I can honestly say I've encountered far worse. They are also both individuals. Just--be aware. They are also, simultaneously, stereotypes.

Nevertheless, recommended. It really is a lot of fun.

I bought this audiobook. ( )
  LisCarey | Jan 16, 2022 |
an ordinary family helps a singer searh the spinner and save the multiverse with stops in Hades, off planet and alternate reality
  ritaer | May 30, 2020 |
An sff book that was a quick read. An ordinary family on their way to Vegas for their summer vacation stops to pick up a hitchhiker and suddenly their vacation becomes an adventure - one they would rather not have - where they have to save not only their own reality but all the possible realities from Chaos. I'm not entirely sure what I think of this book but I won't be rereading it anytime soon.
  hailelib | Jul 1, 2009 |
Hardback BOMC
  Tityger | Dec 25, 2016 |
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Aliens in the mirror are closer than they appear. The #1 New York Times-bestselling author of Relic takes readers on an out-of-this-world road trip.   The Sonderberg family does not know it yet, but this is not going to be any ordinary road trip. After they pick up an unassuming hitchhiker, a quiet drive down Interstate 40 becomes a trip into an alternate reality. It turns out the family has just given a ride to an alien who has the fate of the universe resting on her shoulders. Now the Sonderberg family must fight evil alongside their new alien friend, in a desperate attempt to save the world they love.

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