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Darkness Awakened

di Stephanie Rowe

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2357118,714 (3.71)1
Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

A reclusive immortal warrior and a sassy, irreverent witch team up in a steamy, dangerous romance. Can two fated enemies overcome dangerous attraction to save those they love? <br><br>

????? "What a mesmerizing story. Stephanie Rowe has caught me in her net of intrigue, love, myth, and warriors." ~Voracious Reader (Five-star Amazon Review)<br><br>

Haunted by a deadly curse, Grace will do whatever it takes to rescue her kidnapped sister, including blackmail a deadly, reclusive warrior into helping her. But when the attraction between them endangers everything...she'll have to make an impossible choice. <br><br>

Descended from demons, Quinn Masters is sworn to protect the innocent at costs. But when his team turns on his blood brother, he must go rogue to save him. Hunted by the team he trained to perfection, Quinn is on the run, using all his skills to stay alive long enough to save the warrior he owes his life to.<br><br>

But when Quinn discovers the key to saving his blood bother is the dangerously addictive woman fated to destroy him, everything that matters to him is at risk. As a deadly enemy closes in, can Quinn and Grace use their ill-fated destiny to defeat an unstoppable curse...or will love steal everything from them?<br><br>

????? "I effin love these books." ~JDE (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>

????? "This story was an amazing read and I hated having to put it down every day because it was all I could think about." ~Tracey R (Five-star Amazon Review)<br><br>

????? "The plot she has weaved for this incredible story that just begun for me is outstanding, and I can't wait to continue this amazing adventure." ~AlabamaGirl (Five-star Amazon Review)<br><br>

????? "I LOVED this book!!!! I think it was new and fresh and different and sexy." (Five-star Amazon Review)<br><br>

????? "WOW, REALLY REALLY GOOD. MUST READ!! The blood bond that took place between Grace and Quinn was smoking hot!!!" ~Ginka (Five-star Amazon Review)<br><br>

????? "Perfect combination of romance, action, suspense, mystery, and humor! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!" ~Britany (Five-star Amazon Review)<br><br>

????? "This not normally my cup of tea but this book sure as heck is my shot of whiskey! Enjoy!" ~Krystal (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>
????? "It blew me away." ~Pknv (Five-star Amazon Review) <br><br>
????? "Thank the powers that be this author is prolific." ~Toni G (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>
????? "I NEED more of these warriors!!!!!" ~CocoLoco4Books (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>
????? "I didn't want to stop reading it to make dinner or anything else." ~Hbeebti (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>
????? "This was so dreamy. Sigh." ~Ramblings of a Scattered Mind (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>
????? "Adventurous, romantic, HOT, steamy and full of the type of sex that us girls only dream about." ~Melindad (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>
????? "Oooh this was a yummy book." ~Helen A (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Stephanie Rowe is the author of more than 50 novels. She is a RITA® Award Winner for Best Paranormal, as well as a five-time nominee. She is also a 2021 Vivian® Award nominee for Best Romantic Suspense Long, and a Golden Heart® Award winner and two-time nominee. Publishers Weekly has called her...

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Finished Reading September 16, 2013

2.75 Stars
Confused the Hell out of me.
Interesting but not enough to make me want to read more.
In fact, I think all the rules about mating/bonding & what the H did to others that did bond, gave me a headache and PMO.

Prch Amz September 13, 2013 ( )
  bodebeabay | Sep 25, 2022 |
I really liked the premise of this and love the idea of the band of brothers. Parts of this got off to a slow start for me. ( )
  KatKinney | Mar 3, 2022 |
I am not an easy sell on paranormals and was leery to read this. But holy moly this was a great read.

Stephanie Rowe has created a wonderful new series. Two thousand years ago Ezekiel and his twin brother Caleb lived with an abusive father. The King of the land was no better killing men and women just for the fun of it. Ezekiel fell in love with a girl who the King kidnapped. When Ezekiel couldn’t get to her at the King's castle it sent him over the edge. Ezekiel knew of a stream that would create mythical warriors. Ezekiel and Caleb drank from the steam and then went and defeated the King. But Evangeline died in Ezekiel arms. This caused Ezekiel to go mad and kill everyone in the kingdom including women and children. From this Ezekiel created a band of warriors called The Order that was to rid the world of evil. But Ezekiel in his madness became paranoid- began seeing evil in everything. Caleb decided his brother needed to be stopped and set out with his wife who he hoped would keep him from going rogue and 20 men to drink from the stream to create an army to defeat Ezekiel. Caleb and his army did defeat Ezekiel but at the expense of Caleb's wife. Caleb managed to imprison Ezekiel in a magical prison but he went crazy over the loss of his wife and his men had to kill him. Thus the legacy was born. The Calydon warriors’ purpose was the keep the world safe from evil and when needed to kill a Calydon warrior and/or his sheva (mate) when the Calydon warrior went rogue/mad after finding her.

Dante has been the leader of the Order for 700 years but with his death Quinn Masters is next in line. After a disastrous mission that left all of his young Calydon warriors in training dead and it looking like his best friend Elijah did it, Quinn knows he must figure out what is going on. After waking up from almost dying he heads to his cabin where Grace Matthews is waiting and he knows right away she is his sheva.

Grace Matthews is an illusionist. One who can call upon images to make those around her believe what she is projecting. Her sister is also one and has been kidnapped and Grace has come to Quinn for his help in finding her.

They both realize there is a connection between them but Grace refuses to believe that love can make a person go mad to a point of no return. All she wants is to get her sister back.

As the story progresses we find out how and why Dante and Elijah died and that the walls that are keeping Ezekiel in are crumbling and he seems to be controlling people on the outside. One of the men he is controlling is the one that took Grace's sister Ana. They also come across Dante's son Drew who they know they need to protect at all cost.

This was a great start to a new series. I am already all wrapped up in this world and can’t wait until Gideon and Lily's story which is next. I am hoping that Ana's story is the 3rd book.

( )
  CindySnS | Oct 26, 2016 |
Grace was an illusionist. A powerful woman who could project a reality that people believed in. But Grace hated her gift and tried everything she knew of to forget and not use it. That was until someone kidnapped her sister and was holding her for an evil plot. That's when Grace recruited Quinn, a Calydon warrior. And suddenly her world was turned upside down again. Only this time in an entirely different way. Grace wanted this man, and from the looks she was getting from him, he felt the same way about her. But Quinn was having an entirely different view of this woman, she was a danger to him and he needed to keep her as far away from himself as possible in order to save himself and her. Through ancient battles and near death experiences, the two began to bond and prepare to beat the most horrible fate the two could ever imagine...death at each others hands.
Really wished this book would have ended better. I was kind of left hanging...I understand the need to keep readers coming back for the next book in the series, but I really felt like things were left hanging. Not a bad start to a series though and I will be getting the next book. ( )
  wndy2011 | Oct 16, 2013 |
This book was bit of a mixed bag for me. There were parts about it that I really liked, but there were also parts that I really hated. I loved Grace's character. She was strong without coming off as a total B or being unapproachable, and I loved how she didn't just throw herself at the strong alpha or let destiny be decided for her. I liked some of the concepts in the book, such as the ancient warriors, how their weapons worked and the back story of Ezekiel. Quinn was okay, but sometimes he got on my nerves as a typical alpha male, complete with growls and possessiveness and talking like he was 25 even though he was 500 years old.

What I didn't like were the inconsistencies from one plot point to another and some of the convenient plot devices used example:They were in the middle of the woods with a need to be able to travel all over quickly at several different points, and lucky for them one of the new warriors introduced the chapter before can magically teleport people to wherever they need to go! There were also some odd things about the book that stuck with me and held me back from loving it, such as Oregon? Really? 2000 years of history, and its all in Oregon? Is this a future time, an alternate timeline / universe, or what? It was never explained. Some of the athletic feats of Quinn also made me groan - falling 60 feet, then leaping 60 feet to close the hatch; jumping up high into a tree.. I get that they are super powered warriors, but it felt so stretchy to me.

The author did do a good job of setting up the next book with Lily and Gideon Though I am not particularly interested in Lily's apparent talent as some sort of Calydon strip-tease dancer and I do have a sense that I would like Gideon more than Quinn.

The internal dialogue of Quinn and Grace was good in the beginning, but by the end of the book it had become dull and repetitive as they argued with themselves over and over again about the same issues. I found myself skimming in the hunt for the continuation of the plot. The plot was good, though, once you slog through everything else. It was a unique and interesting concept. I think if there had been more plot focus and less Quinn and Grace I would have enjoyed it more. I did like how the author dealt with the destiny issue with Quinn and Grace's final battle. Not sure if I will continue reading the series, but I am curious about Gideon.

( )
  ce_kilgore | Apr 27, 2013 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

A reclusive immortal warrior and a sassy, irreverent witch team up in a steamy, dangerous romance. Can two fated enemies overcome dangerous attraction to save those they love? <br><br>

????? "What a mesmerizing story. Stephanie Rowe has caught me in her net of intrigue, love, myth, and warriors." ~Voracious Reader (Five-star Amazon Review)<br><br>

Haunted by a deadly curse, Grace will do whatever it takes to rescue her kidnapped sister, including blackmail a deadly, reclusive warrior into helping her. But when the attraction between them endangers everything...she'll have to make an impossible choice. <br><br>

Descended from demons, Quinn Masters is sworn to protect the innocent at costs. But when his team turns on his blood brother, he must go rogue to save him. Hunted by the team he trained to perfection, Quinn is on the run, using all his skills to stay alive long enough to save the warrior he owes his life to.<br><br>

But when Quinn discovers the key to saving his blood bother is the dangerously addictive woman fated to destroy him, everything that matters to him is at risk. As a deadly enemy closes in, can Quinn and Grace use their ill-fated destiny to defeat an unstoppable curse...or will love steal everything from them?<br><br>

????? "I effin love these books." ~JDE (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>

????? "This story was an amazing read and I hated having to put it down every day because it was all I could think about." ~Tracey R (Five-star Amazon Review)<br><br>

????? "The plot she has weaved for this incredible story that just begun for me is outstanding, and I can't wait to continue this amazing adventure." ~AlabamaGirl (Five-star Amazon Review)<br><br>

????? "I LOVED this book!!!! I think it was new and fresh and different and sexy." (Five-star Amazon Review)<br><br>

????? "WOW, REALLY REALLY GOOD. MUST READ!! The blood bond that took place between Grace and Quinn was smoking hot!!!" ~Ginka (Five-star Amazon Review)<br><br>

????? "Perfect combination of romance, action, suspense, mystery, and humor! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!" ~Britany (Five-star Amazon Review)<br><br>

????? "This not normally my cup of tea but this book sure as heck is my shot of whiskey! Enjoy!" ~Krystal (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>
????? "It blew me away." ~Pknv (Five-star Amazon Review) <br><br>
????? "Thank the powers that be this author is prolific." ~Toni G (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>
????? "I NEED more of these warriors!!!!!" ~CocoLoco4Books (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>
????? "I didn't want to stop reading it to make dinner or anything else." ~Hbeebti (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>
????? "This was so dreamy. Sigh." ~Ramblings of a Scattered Mind (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>
????? "Adventurous, romantic, HOT, steamy and full of the type of sex that us girls only dream about." ~Melindad (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>
????? "Oooh this was a yummy book." ~Helen A (Five-star Goodreads Review) <br><br>

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Stephanie Rowe is the author of more than 50 novels. She is a RITA® Award Winner for Best Paranormal, as well as a five-time nominee. She is also a 2021 Vivian® Award nominee for Best Romantic Suspense Long, and a Golden Heart® Award winner and two-time nominee. Publishers Weekly has called her...


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