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Me and My Shadow: A Book About Light

di Buffy Silverman

Serie: My Science Library [Rourke Publishing] (GLI: 1-2; GRL: H)

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Early Readers Learn How Some Objects Block Light While Light Shines Through Others.
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This book was all about shadows and how shadows are formed. It is done for a younger level of students and it is very kid friendly using kid friendly objects and experiences. I think this book would be a great book to use because it's something that students see often and maybe wonder "how'd that get there?" This would also be a good read to start or end a lesson of shadows and having student experiment with shadows using a flashlight and objects and how shadows changed based on the objects and how much or how little light is blocked. ( )
  Kleinak01 | Oct 22, 2020 |
Summary: This book talks about how shadows are formed and properties of light. Light can pass through clear things but not solid things. The light comes through the window but not you or your hand or a tree. Shadows can change if you move how close you are to the light. Shadows can change outside if the sun moves.

Age: 2nd grade

In the Classroom: This is a great companion to a unit on light.

Plan and conduct investigations to determine the effect of placing objects made with different materials in the path of a beam of light.

The book specifically talks about shadows and how they are formed because the light cannot get through but sometimes there is no shadow because light can pass through some materials. ( )
  Mrs.Swihart | Oct 21, 2020 |
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Early Readers Learn How Some Objects Block Light While Light Shines Through Others.

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