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John Clare / edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell

di John Clare

Serie: The Oxford authors (Clare)

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This authoritative edition was originally published in the acclaimed Oxford Authors series under the general editorship of Frank Kermode. It brings together a generous selection of Clare's poetry and prose, including autobiographical writings and letters.John Clare (1793-1864) is now recognized as one of the greatest English Romantic poets, after years of indifference and neglect. Clare was an impoverished agricultural labourer, whose genius was generally not appreciated by his contemporaries, and his later mental instability further contributed tohis loss of critical esteem. But the extraordinary range of his poetical gifts has restored him to the company of his contemporaries Byron, Keats, and Shelley, and this fine selection illustrates all aspects of his talent. It contains poems from all stages of his career, including love poetry, andbird and nature poems. Written in his native Northamptonshire, Clare's work provides a fascinating reflection of rural society, often underscored by his own sense of isolation and despair.Clare's writings are here presented with the minimum of editorial interference, and with a new Introduction by the poet and scholar Tom Paulin.… (altro)
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Clare is great for nature poetry, but gets dull quickly because he never looks *into* things; he only sees the surface. Wordsworth, by contrast, though often thought of as a nature poet, doesn't describe things with any detail most of the time, but his nature is somehow more real by being transcendent (or transcended, perhaps).

Clare's lack of punctuation and capitalization also tires one a few poems in. Sure, it's easy to get used to it and figure sentence and clause breaks, for the most part, on the fly, but it's more work than one really wants from poetry, or rather not the *sort* of work one wants. Think of it like reading Spenser (or whomever you like) without the spelling modernized or even reading Middle English: it's that much work without any of the fun.

The poems are full of repeated thoughts and lines, and one would be forgiven for never reading another line of Clare the first time he uses one of his favorite words, "pooty," for "snail." I'm not sure which is worse between that and "diaper" used by Herrick to mean "with an interlacing pattern."

When Clare's poems are about natural objects, they are interesting enough taken in small portions. Interest rises when Clare writes about himself and/or love. Sadly, the poems with love as their subject are almost exclusively from the period of Clare's madness, as are his only satirical pieces (included in this selection, anyway), an attempt at "Childe Harold" and "Don Juan." One hesitates to say that a man is more interesting when mad, but it seems to be the case with Clare.

I can't say I'm sad to be done with this book. Perhaps a smaller selection would have been wiser, but I have wanted to read Clare for some time, and I have a thing about getting all or most of a poet's works in one volume when possible. I see that the Penguin edition has considerably fewer poems than this Oxford World Classics, but it doesn't seem to have added punctuation either.

I don't think I'll ever read another poem about a bird's nest again. ( )
  judeprufrock | Jul 4, 2023 |
The best poems on birds and nature I've ever read. ( )
  cakecop | Apr 19, 2018 |
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This collection, edited by Eric Robinson and David Powell, was first published as John Clare (1984) in the series "The Oxford authors". It was reissued in the "Oxford world's classics" series as Major works (2004).
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This authoritative edition was originally published in the acclaimed Oxford Authors series under the general editorship of Frank Kermode. It brings together a generous selection of Clare's poetry and prose, including autobiographical writings and letters.John Clare (1793-1864) is now recognized as one of the greatest English Romantic poets, after years of indifference and neglect. Clare was an impoverished agricultural labourer, whose genius was generally not appreciated by his contemporaries, and his later mental instability further contributed tohis loss of critical esteem. But the extraordinary range of his poetical gifts has restored him to the company of his contemporaries Byron, Keats, and Shelley, and this fine selection illustrates all aspects of his talent. It contains poems from all stages of his career, including love poetry, andbird and nature poems. Written in his native Northamptonshire, Clare's work provides a fascinating reflection of rural society, often underscored by his own sense of isolation and despair.Clare's writings are here presented with the minimum of editorial interference, and with a new Introduction by the poet and scholar Tom Paulin.

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