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Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake: A Memoir (2012)

di Anna Quindlen

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8558026,458 (3.76)69
Biography & Autobiography. Family & Relationships. Nonfiction. HTML:

[Quindlen] serves up generous portions of her wise, commonsensical, irresistibly quotable take on life. . . . What Nora Ephron does for body image and Anne Lamott for spiritual neuroses, Quindlen achieves on the home front.NPR
Includes an exclusive conversation between Meryl Streep and Anna Quindlen!
In this irresistible memoir, Anna Quindlen writes about a womans life, from childhood memories to manic motherhood to middle age, using the events of her life to illuminate ours. Consideringand celebratingeverything from marriage, girlfriends, our mothers, parenting, faith, loss, to all the stuff in our closets, and more, Quindlen says for us here what we may wish we could have said ourselves. As she did in her beloved New York Times columns, and in A Short Guide to a Happy Life, Quindlen uses her past, present, and future to explore what matters most to women at different ages. Quindlen talks about
Marriage: A safety net of small white lies can be the bedrock of a successful marriage. You wouldnt believe how cheaply I can do a kitchen renovation.
Girlfriends: Ask any woman how she makes it through the day, and she may mention her calendar, her to-do lists, her babysitter. But if you push her on how she really makes it through her day, she will mention her girlfriends.
Our bodies: Ive finally recognized my body for what it is: a personality-delivery system, designed expressly to carry my character from place to place, now and in the years to come.
Parenting: Being a parent is not transactional. We do not get what we give. It is the ultimate pay-it-forward endeavor: We are good parents not so they will be loving enough to stay with us but so they will be strong enough to leave us.
Candid, funny, and moving, Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake is filled with the sharp insights and revealing observations that have long confirmed Quindlens status as Americas laureate of real life.
Classic Quindlen, at times witty, at times wise, and always of her time.The Miami Herald
[A] pithy, get-real memoir.Booklist

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» Vedi le 69 citazioni

Thank you, Anna. You have come through for me again. ( )
  maryelisa | Jan 16, 2024 |
Anna Quindlen, enough said! ( )
  schoenbc70 | Sep 2, 2023 |
Lots Of Candles Plenty Of Cake is an absolute gem of a book. The author, about to turn 60, puts together a collection of essays looking back at the lessons she's learned throughout the years. She sprinkles it liberally with appropriate quotes from various brilliant minds. The quotes are a nice touch, but not really necessary. Because frankly, Anna Quindlens's own observations are amongst the most brilliant in the book. Not to mention funny, touching, inspirational, and often downright moving. Congratulations to Anna Quidlen for a life well spent ! Can't wait for the "to be continued"... ( )
  kevinkevbo | Jul 14, 2023 |
Always candid and clear, Quindlen tackles the tough topics surrounding middle age, from parenting teens to facing the inevitability of death.

I don't always agree with her opinions, but I always enjoy reading about them. It's the closest you can get to an intellectual conversation grounded in reality with a close friend without the actual conversation or the friend.

A rare gem and a good one. Can't wait to see her tackle the next 20 years. ( )
  AngelaLam | Feb 8, 2022 |
I’m a 71-year-old male, so I wouldn’t say I’m among Quindlen’s intended audience when she wrote this book. That would most likely be female readers. I’m sure this book was very popular with book clubs since there is so much to discuss. So why did I listen to the audio book version (read by Quindlen herself)? I spent 40 years in a high school English classroom, and during the last years of my teaching I used Quindlen’s brilliant essay “A Quilt of a Country” in my ninth grade classes. The essay was one of Quindlen’s Newsweek columns and was written and published shortly after the attack on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the field in Pennsylvania. As a teacher of writing I’ve always enjoyed reading Quindlen, whether it’s fiction or nonfiction. And I enjoyed “Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake” just as much as her other writing even though I don’t think she was writing to me. In fact, I’m not so sure Quindlen understands men all that well. And I don’t say that with any rancor; it’s just my impression after finishing this book. Additionally, as many Amazon reviews point out, it’s hard to view Quindlen as an “everywoman” considering where she came from (convent school) and where she went (Barnard College, and apartment in Manhattan, and a “country home”). So she doesn’t particularly represent the rest of us, but what she has to say about life is valuable to just about any reader. And her comments on family and the raising of her own children are certainly worth the price of admission. So, overall, I enjoyed “Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake” even if Quindlen had a completely different reader in mind when she wrote the book of essays. ( )
1 vota FormerEnglishTeacher | Jan 15, 2022 |
Suddenly sixty, Quindlen finds herself looking back on her life. She's not so much wondering how she got where she is but, rather, considering how the choices she made and the chances she took along the way have prepared her for the road ahead. What even to call this next stage in a woman's life? Not elderly, certainly, yet definitely no longer young, this middle-aged morass can be hard to navigate. Friendships fade, fashions flummox, the body wimps out, and the mind has a mind of its own. One can either fight it or face it. In her own unmistakably reasonable way, Quindlen manages to do both, with grace and agility, wisdom and wit, sending out comforting affirmations while ardently confronting preconceived stereotypes and societal demands.
aggiunto da kthomp25 | modificaBooklist, a (Mar 4, 2013)
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It's odd when I think of the arc of my life, from child to young woman to aging adult.
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But at this stage in my life, I'm not interested in being with people who don't have my back.
...Friends are what we women have in addition to, or in lieu of, therapists.
Life is haphazard. We plan, and then we deal when the plans go awry. Control is an illusion; best intentions are the best we can do.
Old is wherever you haven't gotten to yet.
I want to be able to walk through the house of my own life until my life is done. I want to hold on to who and what I have been even as both become somehow inevitably less.
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Biography & Autobiography. Family & Relationships. Nonfiction. HTML:

[Quindlen] serves up generous portions of her wise, commonsensical, irresistibly quotable take on life. . . . What Nora Ephron does for body image and Anne Lamott for spiritual neuroses, Quindlen achieves on the home front.NPR
Includes an exclusive conversation between Meryl Streep and Anna Quindlen!
In this irresistible memoir, Anna Quindlen writes about a womans life, from childhood memories to manic motherhood to middle age, using the events of her life to illuminate ours. Consideringand celebratingeverything from marriage, girlfriends, our mothers, parenting, faith, loss, to all the stuff in our closets, and more, Quindlen says for us here what we may wish we could have said ourselves. As she did in her beloved New York Times columns, and in A Short Guide to a Happy Life, Quindlen uses her past, present, and future to explore what matters most to women at different ages. Quindlen talks about
Marriage: A safety net of small white lies can be the bedrock of a successful marriage. You wouldnt believe how cheaply I can do a kitchen renovation.
Girlfriends: Ask any woman how she makes it through the day, and she may mention her calendar, her to-do lists, her babysitter. But if you push her on how she really makes it through her day, she will mention her girlfriends.
Our bodies: Ive finally recognized my body for what it is: a personality-delivery system, designed expressly to carry my character from place to place, now and in the years to come.
Parenting: Being a parent is not transactional. We do not get what we give. It is the ultimate pay-it-forward endeavor: We are good parents not so they will be loving enough to stay with us but so they will be strong enough to leave us.
Candid, funny, and moving, Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake is filled with the sharp insights and revealing observations that have long confirmed Quindlens status as Americas laureate of real life.
Classic Quindlen, at times witty, at times wise, and always of her time.The Miami Herald
[A] pithy, get-real memoir.Booklist


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