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Miss Julia to the Rescue

di Ann B. Ross

Serie: Miss Julia (13)

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1839154,160 (4.23)6
When Hazel Marie's hotheaded private investigator husband, J.D., goes missing during a latest job, Miss Julia and Etta Mae struggle to free a man matching his description from a West Virginia jail, while Agnes Whitman returns to town with a following of misfits who might be members of a zealous cult.… (altro)
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» Vedi le 6 citazioni

This was quite a romp! ( )
  BethOwl | Jan 24, 2024 |
Love Miss Julia! ( )
  SomeSwimmer | Jul 22, 2021 |
A delightful book about an older woman (50-60?) who is friendly to all and looks out fiercely for those for whom she cares. The setting of this novel was North Carolina in a small town. Some would call Miss Julia nosey, some would call her a knight in shining armor. I just loved the humor in this book. There are many more books in the Miss Julia series, all of which can be read as a stand alone or in no particular order. I will most certainly read another. 304 pages ( )
  Tess_W | Jun 24, 2021 |
I love Miss Julia books. I love that's she's feisty while remaining proper. I like that she bucks convention while maintaining her standing in the community. And I absolutely love that she took Hazel Marie and Little Lloyd under her wing and under her roof after her scuzzbucket husband died and they showed up on her doorstep. It is a convoluted family dynamic but I know several families pretty much like them! In this book she does everything in her power to rescue her friends and loved ones. Another great visit with the extended Springer-Murdock family! ( )
  KathyC200 | Mar 22, 2020 |
Miss Julia is back, sassy yet proper, caring and careening from one errand of mercy to the next. Miss Julia to the Rescue is a fun read, and brings the character back to what I remember from the first book in the series. I also love that Etta Mae is again involved, as well as many of the supporting characters readers of the series are familiar with. But it's Miss Julia who really shines in this book, and that's just what this fan of the series hoped for. ( )
  ReinaMWilliams | Mar 31, 2017 |
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When Hazel Marie's hotheaded private investigator husband, J.D., goes missing during a latest job, Miss Julia and Etta Mae struggle to free a man matching his description from a West Virginia jail, while Agnes Whitman returns to town with a following of misfits who might be members of a zealous cult.

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Media: (4.23)
1 1
3 2
3.5 5
4 17
4.5 4
5 16

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