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di Geoffrey Hill

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SHORTLISTED FOR THE FORWARD PRIZE FOR POETRY 2011 / SELECTED AS THE ECONOMIST POETRY BOOK OF THE YEAR It is not immediately obvious what Clavics is about. What is apparent is that it is an elegiac sequence, mourning for the musician William Lawes who was killed at the Battle of Chester in 1645; delicately constructed, each page is comprised of a section made up of two stanzas, together forming the shape of a key. Before long, however, the tone makes it clear that nothing is to be taken at face value; amongst the lines are provocations and incongruities, playful references and about-turns. Clavics is a celebration of seventeenth-century music and poetry, yet is confrontational and sometimes shockingly modern. From one line to the next you may be pulled out of a potently evoked moment of history, thrust up against the wall of sexual politics and strained meaning in contemporary language, and then dropped back onto a battlefield. Geoffrey Hill's work is at the centre of a debate about how poetry should develop to find its place in contemporary society. Should it embrace the superficial potency of much of modern culture or turn back in upon itself with ever more complex layers of meaning? Should poetry attempt to gain a broader audience and engage 'the market' or consolidate its role as an increasingly obscure bastion of the intellect? Since his election to the post of Oxford Professor of Poetry, Geoffrey Hill has not shied away from these questions in his addresses. Now in his first book since he took his place amongst the highest of poetry academics, he has provided his provocative answer.… (altro)
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Read a bad review of this at the time of release, and so put off reading it because I was expecting a stuffy, reactionary type of collection - having prejudged Hill based on his position in the canon.

Actually, it's great - and the criticism (on rereading it) was actually a complaint that Clavics is too dissonant and dense, as I'm told Hill often is (such that I almost wondered if it was written in a Concrete/cut-up method). But this is very much My Bag. It builds to good effect, and with a magisterial command of the English language. It's supposedly about seventeenth century English musician William Lawes, not that you'd really know it. What it's more obviously about, is poetry itself. ( )
  sometimeunderwater | Jan 10, 2019 |
Hill's facility for rhythm outweighs his rhetorical dexterity (à la Ashbery) and all the academic allusion (à la Eliot) at which he pokes fun ("Permit/ Me stock adaptation/ Of tradition"). As a result, the experience of reading this volume trumps the content. Readers of poetry, whatever "school" they favor, will appreciate Hill's work.
aggiunto da Christa_Josh | modificaLibrary Journal, Stephen Morrow (Oct 1, 2011)

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CLAVICS: The science or alchemy of keys - OED, 2012
Be very var vith his raklese toyis of Padoa
Ah! taci ingiusto core
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To Chris and Christine Woodhead
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SHORTLISTED FOR THE FORWARD PRIZE FOR POETRY 2011 / SELECTED AS THE ECONOMIST POETRY BOOK OF THE YEAR It is not immediately obvious what Clavics is about. What is apparent is that it is an elegiac sequence, mourning for the musician William Lawes who was killed at the Battle of Chester in 1645; delicately constructed, each page is comprised of a section made up of two stanzas, together forming the shape of a key. Before long, however, the tone makes it clear that nothing is to be taken at face value; amongst the lines are provocations and incongruities, playful references and about-turns. Clavics is a celebration of seventeenth-century music and poetry, yet is confrontational and sometimes shockingly modern. From one line to the next you may be pulled out of a potently evoked moment of history, thrust up against the wall of sexual politics and strained meaning in contemporary language, and then dropped back onto a battlefield. Geoffrey Hill's work is at the centre of a debate about how poetry should develop to find its place in contemporary society. Should it embrace the superficial potency of much of modern culture or turn back in upon itself with ever more complex layers of meaning? Should poetry attempt to gain a broader audience and engage 'the market' or consolidate its role as an increasingly obscure bastion of the intellect? Since his election to the post of Oxford Professor of Poetry, Geoffrey Hill has not shied away from these questions in his addresses. Now in his first book since he took his place amongst the highest of poetry academics, he has provided his provocative answer.

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