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Shirts, Shorts & Spurs

di Roy Reyland

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This insightful and often hilarious romp charts the dramatic ups and downs of Tottenham Hotspur, as seen through the eyes of one of its most unlikely heroes: Roy Reyland, the local kit man who served the club for almost 30 years. From inside the dressing room and on the bench, Roy has witnessed the agony and the ecstasy of three decades of seasons at Tottenham Hotspur. He looked after Spurs' famous lilywhite shirts for an incredible 1,397 matches, home and away, including 12 dramatic cup finals. Working under 17 managers--from Keith Burkinshaw to Martin Jol--he visited Wembley more times than many of the brightest stars of the Premiership. And, of course, he worked closely with some of White Hart Lane's greatest ever players--from Ardiles and Gazza to Klinsmann and Ginola. As the club's unofficial agony aunt, Roy has seen the tears and the triumphs, the dressing-room pranks, and has a unique insight into the inner workings of the legendary Premiership side. He has seen it all, and his story is one of total devotion to the club.… (altro)
Aggiunto di recente dalegallypuzzled
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This is a quick behind-the-scenes look at a English soccer club (Tottenham Hotspur) by its long-serving kit manager Roy Reyland, who worked there almost thirty years. It's a breezy trip down memory lane, as stars of the 1980s and 1990s are generally remembered favorably by Reyland, and he shares some of those stories -- whether pranks, game-related notes, or personal anecdotes from off the pitch. (If it's dirt you're after, don't look here, as there is hardly a negative said about anyone at all.)

Reyland -- who makes no effort to hide his pre-existing love for Tottenham even before he started working there -- is a bit reluctant to share much of his personal life outside his job, other than some bits about his very early life. Perhaps it was his constant devotion to his job -- which is quite evident throughout the book -- that caused some family problems at home and prompted him to eventually take a similar job at a nearby rugby team. He covers that briefly in the final two chapters, which I think were some of the best in the book.

This is an enjoyable read for anyone who remembers those great Tottenham players of the late 20th century, or for anyone who always wondered what really goes on behind the scenes in a sports organization. I would have liked to have seen an index as players are often referenced throughout the book, and a bit better editing (on the very first page, he has Tottenham beating Real Madrid -- not the real Atletico Madrid -- in the European Cup Winners' Cup of 1963). ( )
1 vota legallypuzzled | Feb 20, 2011 |
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In memory of my nephew Mark Priddy, who, during the writing of this book, tragically passed away from Huntington's Chorea aged just 41.
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[Prologue] Visitors to the Spurs kit room would always ask about the bullet holes in the walls.
[Chapter 1] My first experience of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club came as an 11-year-old boy, standing outside in the pouring rain on the short road leading up to the famous gates of the stadium.
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This insightful and often hilarious romp charts the dramatic ups and downs of Tottenham Hotspur, as seen through the eyes of one of its most unlikely heroes: Roy Reyland, the local kit man who served the club for almost 30 years. From inside the dressing room and on the bench, Roy has witnessed the agony and the ecstasy of three decades of seasons at Tottenham Hotspur. He looked after Spurs' famous lilywhite shirts for an incredible 1,397 matches, home and away, including 12 dramatic cup finals. Working under 17 managers--from Keith Burkinshaw to Martin Jol--he visited Wembley more times than many of the brightest stars of the Premiership. And, of course, he worked closely with some of White Hart Lane's greatest ever players--from Ardiles and Gazza to Klinsmann and Ginola. As the club's unofficial agony aunt, Roy has seen the tears and the triumphs, the dressing-room pranks, and has a unique insight into the inner workings of the legendary Premiership side. He has seen it all, and his story is one of total devotion to the club.

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