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Prodigal Sons

di Kimberly Reed

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Returning home to Montana for her high school reunion, filmmaker Kimberly Reed (previously the school quarterback and now a transgender woman) hopes for reconciliation with her long-estranged adopted brother. But along the way she uncovers stunning revelations (including a connection to Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth), intense sibling rivalries, and unforeseeable twists of plot and gender that force them to face challenges no one could imagine.… (altro)
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If Kim Reed had simply set out to document her coming-of-age in western Montana, departure for the big city and eventual homecoming at her high-school reunion, it would have made a fine film. Had she chosen to weave in the story of her adopted brother, whose checkered youth and a tragic injury left him with severe physical and emotional scars, well, that could have been all the richer. But Prodigal Sons isn't content to tell a story like any other film. Revelations fly and the plots twist from intimate family portraiture to a speculative history of the love child of Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth. It's a potent cocktail of gender and genetics and Reed faces the challenge of telling a deeply personal story with uncommon courage. (Plays with A Transgender Childhood, a Third Coast International Audio Festival short.) (DW)
  TrueFalseFilm | Feb 16, 2013 |
Returning home to Montana for her high school reunion, filmmaker Kimberly Reed (previously the high school quarterback and now a transgender woman) hopes for reconciliation with her long-estranged adopted brother. But along the way she uncovers stunning revelations (including a connection to Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth), intense sibling rivalries, and unforeseeable twists of plot and gender that force them to face challenges no one could imagine. (From back cover of DVD case). 86 minutes.
  river_city_gems | Jan 7, 2011 |
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Returning home to Montana for her high school reunion, filmmaker Kimberly Reed (previously the school quarterback and now a transgender woman) hopes for reconciliation with her long-estranged adopted brother. But along the way she uncovers stunning revelations (including a connection to Orson Welles and Rita Hayworth), intense sibling rivalries, and unforeseeable twists of plot and gender that force them to face challenges no one could imagine.

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