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The Christmas Knight (Zebra Historical Romance)

di Michele Sinclair

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581463,399 (3.63)Nessuno
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

As a dark winter brings a new lord to an English castle, the festive glow of Christmastide brings a chance for new love in this medieval holiday romance.
England, 1154. With their father gone, Bronwyn de Breton and her two younger sisters are utterly vulnerable at Hunswick Castle. And their troubles are compounded when a fearsome knight arrives on the king's orders to take Hunswick as his own—and the youngest de Breton daughter as his wife.
Bronwyn would never let her little sister be forced to marry a man as rough and wild as the new lord is whispered to be. Yet someone must form an alliance with him. So she steps forward, pretending to be her own sister.
The new lord is not so easily fooled. He knows Bronwyn is not the woman he has promised to marry. And yet, amidst the magic of Christmas festivities, there is no resisting the golden-haired beauty who awakens a passion unlike any he's ever known . . .

.… (altro)
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2 stars. It was just okay... I didn't really enjoy the way the book was written... it felt forced and clipped on the important parts. I didn't feel any kind of connection with any of the characters. ( )
  CrystalW | Dec 15, 2015 |
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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

As a dark winter brings a new lord to an English castle, the festive glow of Christmastide brings a chance for new love in this medieval holiday romance.
England, 1154. With their father gone, Bronwyn de Breton and her two younger sisters are utterly vulnerable at Hunswick Castle. And their troubles are compounded when a fearsome knight arrives on the king's orders to take Hunswick as his own—and the youngest de Breton daughter as his wife.
Bronwyn would never let her little sister be forced to marry a man as rough and wild as the new lord is whispered to be. Yet someone must form an alliance with him. So she steps forward, pretending to be her own sister.
The new lord is not so easily fooled. He knows Bronwyn is not the woman he has promised to marry. And yet, amidst the magic of Christmas festivities, there is no resisting the golden-haired beauty who awakens a passion unlike any he's ever known . . .


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