EtichettaI vestiti nuovi dell'imperatore

Etichetta inglese: Emperor's New Clothes (migliora la traduzione)

Comprende: Emperor's New Clothes, The Emperor's New Clothes, emperor's new clothes, the emperor's new clothes, Emperor's new clothes, Emperor's new Clothes, The Emperor's new clothes, "emperor's new clothes", THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES, The Emperor's new Clothes, "Emperor's New Clothes", The emperor's new clothes, Emperor's New clothes, the Emperor's New Clothes, emperor's New Clothes
Traduzioni: Des Kaisers neue Kleider, El traje nuevo del emperador, Les Habits neufs de l'empereur, Nýju fötin keisarans, I vestiti nuovi dell'imperatore, De nieuwe kleren van de keizer, Keiserens nye klær, Nowe szaty króla, A Roupa Nova do Rei, Новое платье короля, , Kejsarens nya kläder

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