CollanaCultural Studies of the United States

America's Culture of Terrorism Violence, Capitalism, and the Written Word di Jeffory A. Clymer 11 copie
American Alchemy: The California Gold Rush and Middle-Class Culture di Brian Roberts 14 copie
American Photography and the American Dream di James Guimond 33 copie
Beloved Community: The Cultural Criticism of Randolph Bourne, Van Wyck Brooks, Waldo Frank & Lewis Mumford di Casey Nelson Blake 25 copie
Civic Myths: A Law-and-Literature Approach to Citizenship di Brook Thomas 4 copie
Contested Culture: The Image, the Voice, and the Law di Jane M. Gaines 25 copie
Dictators, Democracy, and American Public Culture: Envisioning the Totalitarian Enemy, 1920s-1950s di Benjamin L. Alpers 30 copie, 1 recensione
Early Downhome Blues: A Musical and Cultural Analysis di Jeff Todd Titon 36 copie
The Genteel Tradition and the Sacred Rage: High Culture vs. Democracy in Adams, James, and Santayana di Robert Dawidoff 9 copie
Horrible Prettiness: Burlesque and American Culture di Robert C. Allen 63 copie, 1 recensione
John Brown's Body: Slavery, Violence, and the Culture of War di Franny Nudelman 18 copie
Landscapes of the New West: Gender and Geography in Contemporary Women's Writing di Krista Comer 2 copie
Making Something Happen: American Political Poetry between the World Wars di Michael Thurston 7 copie
A Measure of Perfection: Phrenology and the Fine Arts in America di Charles Colbert 9 copie
Modern Bodies: Dance and American Modernism from Martha Graham to Alvin Ailey di Julia L. Foulkes 46 copie
Nature's State: Imagining Alaska as the Last Frontier di Susan Kollin 7 copie
Our Daily Bread: Wages, Workers, and the Political Economy of the American West di Geoff Mann 8 copie
Panic!: Markets, Crises, and Crowds in American Fiction di David A. Zimmerman 8 copie
Pragmatism and the Political Economy of Cultural Revolution, 1850-1940 di James Livingston 39 copie
A race of singers : Whitman's working-class hero from Guthrie to Springsteen di Bryan K. Garman 15 copie
Reading Football: How the Popular Press Created an American Spectacle di Michael Oriard 20 copie
Romancing the Folk: Public Memory and American Roots Music di Benjamin Filene 66 copie
Sensational Modernism: Experimental Fiction and Photography in Thirties America di Joseph B. Entin 11 copie
Slippery Characters: Ethnic Impersonators and American Identities di Laura Browder 19 copie, 1 recensione
Staging Depth: Eugene O'neill and the Politics of Psychological Discourse di Joel Pfister 6 copie
Tender Violence: Domestic Visions in an Age of U.S. Imperialism di Laura Wexler 47 copie, 1 recensione

