CollanaValdemar : Kolejność Chronologiczna

Autore della serie: Mercedes Lackey

Un araldo per Valdemar di Mercedes Lackey 3,958 copie, 69 recensioni1376 AF
The Black Gryphon di Mercedes Lackey 2,767 copie, 24 recensioni1000 BF
Brightly Burning di Mercedes Lackey 2,388 copie, 20 recensioni1077 AF
By the Sword di Mercedes Lackey 3,013 copie, 25 recensioni1376 AF
Exile's Honor di Mercedes Lackey 2,238 copie, 22 recensioni1355 AF
Exile's Valor di Mercedes Lackey 2,057 copie, 14 recensioni1376 AF
Le frecce di Valdemar. Libro secondo di Mercedes Lackey 3,303 copie, 27 recensioni1376 AF
Storm Warning di Mercedes Lackey 2,635 copie, 13 recensioni1376 AF
Take a Thief di Mercedes Lackey 2,567 copie, 18 recensioni1376 AF
The White Gryphon di Mercedes Lackey 2,461 copie, 11 recensioni1000 BF


adult(58) adventure(82) Alberich(81) book(43) companions(143) daw(64) ebook(187) epic(42) fantasy(6,155) fantasy fiction(108) fiction(1,712) griffins(140) hardcover(152) heralds(193) Heralds of Valdemar(250) high fantasy(100) horses(150) Karse(38) Kindle(47) kobo(53) Lackey(209) library(38) Mage Storms(88) Mage Wars(188) magic(562) Mercedes Lackey(245) mmpb(59) novel(161) own(182) owned(72) paperback(196) pb(63) read(381) romance(54) science fiction(206) Science Fiction & Fantasy(42) Science Fiction/Fantasy(132) series(305) series: valdemar(46) sf(102) sff(388) speculative fiction(48) sword and sorcery(105) Talia(69) to-read(465) unread(97) Valdemar(2,840) Velgarth(77) ya(69) young adult(117)
