CollanaWisconsin Studies in Classics

Accountability in Athenian Government di Jennifer Tolbert Roberts 5 copie
Ancient Anatolia: Aspects of Change and Cultural Development : Essays in Honor of MacHteld J. Mellink di Jeanny Canby 10 copie
Ancient Goddesses (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Lucy Goodison 97 copie, 2 recensioni
Ancient Greek Art and Iconography di Warren G. Moon 9 copie
The Archaeology of the Olympics: The Olympics and Other Festivals in Antiquity di Wendy J. Raschke 23 copie
Archaic Greek Poetry: An Anthology di Barbara Hughes Fowler 35 copie
Asinaria di Titus Maccius Plautus 36 copie
Athens, Etruria, and the Many Lives of Greek Figured Pottery (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Sheramy D. Bundrick 4 copie
The Ciceronian Tradition in Political Theory (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Daniel J. Kapust 1 copia
Classical Epic Tradition di John Kevin Newman 3 copie
The Crisis of Masculinity in the Age of Augustus di Melanie Racette-Campbell 1 copia
Ctesias' Persica and its Near Eastern context di Matthew W. Waters 6 copie
The Discourse of Marriage in the Greco-Roman World (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Jeffrey Beneker 0 copie
Discs of splendor : the relief mirrors of the Etruscans di Alexandra Ann Carpino 2 copie
Displaced Persons: The Literature of Exile from Cicero to Boethius (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Jo-Marie Claassen 22 copie
Dream, fantasy, and visual art in Roman elegy di Emma Scioli 5 copie
Echoing Hylas : a study in Hellenistic and Roman metapoetics di Mark Heerink 2 copie
Euripides and the Tragic Tradition di Ann N. Michelini 5 copie
Festivals of Attica: An Archaeological Commentary di Erika Simon 29 copie
Flinders Petrie : a life in archaeology di Margaret S. Drower 35 copie
Fourth-Century Styles in Greek Sculpture di Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway 13 copie
Game of Death in Ancient Rome: Arena Sport and Political Suicide (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Paul Plass 16 copie, 1 recensione
The Gift of Correspondence in Classical Rome: Friendship in Cicero's Ad Familiares and Seneca's Moral Epistles (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Amanda Wilcox 6 copie
The Gods of the Greeks (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Erika Simon 3 copie
Grafting Helen: Abduction Of The Classical Past (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Matthew Gumpert 4 copie
Greek footwear and the Dating of Sculpture di Katherine Dohan Morrow 6 copie
Greek Heroine Cults di Jennifer Larson 32 copie
Greek Prostitutes in the Ancient Mediterranean, 800 BCE-200 CE (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Allison Glazebrook 20 copie
A Guide to Scenes of Daily Life on Athenian Vases (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di John H. Oakley 3 copie
The Hellenistic Aesthetic di Barbara Hughes Fowler 42 copie
Hellenistic architectural sculpture : figural motifs in western Anatolia and the Aegean Islands di Pamela A. Webb 8 copie
Hellenistic Poetry: An Anthology (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Barbara Hughes Fowler 33 copie
Hellenistic Sculpture 3: The Styles of ca. 100-31 B. C (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway 11 copie
Hellenistic Sculpture I: The Styles of ca. 331-200 B.C. di Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway 22 copie
Hellenistic Sculpture II: The Styles of ca. 200-100 B.C. di Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway 15 copie
A History of Education in Antiquity di Henri-Irénée Marrou 241 copie, 4 recensioni
Horace between freedom and slavery : the first book of Epistles di Stephanie McCarter 2 copie
The iconography of sculptured statue bases in the Archaic and Classical periods di Angeliki Kosmopoulou 1 copia
The Image of the Poet in Ovid's Metamorphoses di Barbara Pavlock 4 copie
Imperium and Cosmos: Augustus and the Northern Campus Martius di Paul Rehak 13 copie
In the Flesh: Embodied Identities in Roman Elegy (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Erika Zimmermann Damer 1 copia
Insults in Classical Athens (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Deborah Kamen 1 copia
Kallimachos: The Alexandrian Library and the Origins of Bibliography (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Rudolf Blum 21 copie
Mail and Female: Epistolary Narrative and Desire in Ovid's Heroides di Sara H. Lindheim 10 copie
The Matter of the Page: Essays in Search of Ancient and Medieval Authors di Shane Butler 12 copie
Modes of Viewing in Hellenistic Poetry and Art di Graham Zanker 7 copie
Murlo and the Etruscans: Art and Society in Ancient Etruria di Richard Daniel De Puma 3 copie
Myth, Ethos, and Actuality: Official Art in Fifth Century Athens di David Castriota 8 copie
New Perspectives on Etruria and Early Rome di Sinclair Bell 2 copie
Nox Philologiae: Aulus Gellius and the Fantasy of the Roman Library di Erik Gunderson 9 copie
Ovid before Exile: Art and Punishment in the Metamorphoses di Patricia Johnson 7 copie
Pandora's Senses: The Feminine Character of the Ancient Text di Vered Lev Kenaan 9 copie
Personal styles in early Cycladic sculpture di Pat Getz-Gentle 4 copie
The play of allusion in the historia Augusta di David Rohrbacher 2 copie
Polygnotos And Vase Painting in Classical Athens di Susan B. Matheson 2 copie
Polykleitos, the Doryphoros, and Tradition di Warren G. Moon 7 copie
Prostitutes and Courtesans in the Ancient World di Christopher A. Faraone 27 copie
Religion in Ancient Etruria di Jean-Rene Jannot 4 copie
Repeat performances : Ovidian repetition and the Metamorphoses di Laurel Fulkerson 1 copia
Responses to Oliver Stone's Alexander: Film, History, and Cultural Studies di Paul Cartledge 20 copie, 2 recensioni
Roman Cities di Pierre Grimal 44 copie
Romans and Barbarians: The Decline of the Western Empire di E. A. Thompson 42 copie
Rome and India : the ancient sea trade di Vimala Begley 5 copie
Satire and the Threat of Speech: Horace's Satires, Book 1 di Catherine Schlegel 1 copia
Silence in Catullus (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Benjamin Eldon Stevens 8 copie
Silenced voices : the poetics of speech in Ovid di Bartolo Natoli 3 copie
The Slave in Greece and Rome (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Jean Andreau 11 copie
Slavery and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity di Deborah Kamen 2 copie
Sophocles' Philoctetes and the Great Soul Robbery di Norman Austin 3 copie
Spear-Won Land: Sardis from the King's Peace to the Peace of Apamea (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Andrea M Berlin 2 copie
A Symposion of Praise: Horace Returns to Lyric in Odes IV di Timothy S. Johnson 2 copie
Theocritus' Pastoral Analogies: The Formation of a Genre di Kathryn J. Gutzwiller 11 copie
Tradition and Innovation in Late Antiquity di Frank M. Clover 6 copie
Tragic Rites : Narrative and Ritual in Sophoclean Drama di Adriana E. Brook 2 copie
Ulysses in Black: Ralph Ellison, Classicism, and African American Literature di Patrice D. Rankine 10 copie
Virgil and Joyce : nationalism and imperialism in the Aeneid and Ulysses di Randall J. Pogorzelski 2 copie
The Wedding in Ancient Athens di John H. Oakley 12 copie
Wit and the Writing of History: The Rhetoric of Historiography in Imperial Rome di Paul Plass 24 copie
Women in Roman Republican Drama (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) di Dorota Dutsch 7 copie
The World of Roman Costume di Judith Lynn Sebesta 54 copie
Worshipping Athena: Panathenaia And Parthenon di Jenifer Neils 44 copie

