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The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag
Serie: Flavia de Luce (2)
There are two submissions for this book. This is for Canadian members. US members should request the other one. Flavia de Luce didn't intend to investigate another murder — but, then again, Rupert Porson didn't intend to die. When the master puppeteer's van breaks down in Bishop's Lacey, he puts on a show with his loyal assistant, the disarmingly charming Nialla, prone (by Flavia's estimation) to strange bruises and long, solitary cries in graveyards. While Nialla plays Mother Goose, Rupert's goose gets cooked, the victim of an electrocution that is too perfectly planned to be an accident. Putting down her sister-punishing chemistry experiments and picking up her bicycle, Gladys, Flavia uncovers long buried secrets of Bishop's Lacey, a seemingly idyllic town that nevertheless has a mad woman living in its woods, a prisoner-of-war with a soft spot for the English countryside, and two childless parents with a devastating secret. It's possible Rupert Porson's van didn't break down so accidentally in this charming hamlet. It's possible the police won't be able to solve his murder most ingenious. It's possible that his killer may help guide Flavia in way over her eleven-year-old head, and to a startling discovery that reveals the chemical composition of vengeance.
General Fiction, Mystery, Young Adult, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
Doubleday Canada (Editore)
(User: RandomJess)
January 2010
Inizia il: 2010-01-04
Termina il: 2010-01-29
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17 recensiti, 1 contrassegnati come non ricevuti
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