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Fly Me to the Moon
Serie: Harmony Springs (0.5)
Format: Open, non-DRM file. Winners will be sent a coupon code and the URL of a webpage where they can download the eBook in ePub or Kindle format. Lexi Taylor never let herself be defined by the fire that burned her when she was just a kid. Now, she happily works at The Christmas Cat, a year-round holiday boutique. So what if she wears long sleeves to hide her scars? Who cares if her relationships don't last long enough for a lover to see her damaged back? Tom "Finn" Finnegan is one week out of the Army, fresh from Afghanistan. He vowed to visit the parents of J-Dawg, his best friend who was killed by a roadside bomb almost a year ago. But promises are easier made than kept--especially when J-Dawg haunts Finn's dreams. When he literally stumbles into The Christmas Cat, Finn shatters dozens of ornaments, not to mention Lexi's peace of mind. The only way he can repay her is to take on handyman work in her store. But "other duties as assigned" takes on new meaning when sparks sizzle between the couple. Can Lexi and Finn find the key to healing each other's scars as Christmas approaches in Harmony Springs?
Romance, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
BookViewCafe (Editore)
(User: chrisdolley)
December 2015
Inizia il: 2015-12-08
Termina il: 2015-12-28
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33 recensiti, 10 contrassegnati come ricevuti, 8 contrassegnati come non ricevuti
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