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Center Stage
Format: Open, non-DRM file. Winners will be sent the URL of a webpage where they can download the eBook in ePub or Kindle format. Book Eight of the Diamond Brides series Actress Lindsey Ormond has always followed the rules - be nice, keep quiet, and never, ever get involved with a bad boy. But her good behavior has yielded lousy results - she was just left at the altar for the second time in two years. Raleigh Rockets center fielder Ryan Green keeps life simple - play ball, have fun, and keep an eye on his recently widowed father. When Ryan attends Lindsey's disaster of a wedding, another sizzling task hits his to-do list - help Lindsey learn how to break the rules. Before long, Ryan is showing Lindsey just how much fun she's been missing - in the bedroom and beyond. But Lindsey's brother Zach (part of the Rockets' management team) disapproves of their new relationship. And Zach just offered Ryan's father the job of a lifetime. When the conflict moves center stage, will Ryan choose Lindsey? Or will his obligations to the Rockets and his father send Lindsey back to her stifled life alone?
General Fiction, Romance, Fiction and Literature
Offerto da
BookViewCafe (Editore)
(User: chrisdolley)
October 2014
Inizia il: 2014-10-06
Termina il: 2014-10-27
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